//-----------------------// //-- Custom Kill Icons --// //-----------------------// // // [June 28, 2022] // Hi! You might be wondering why this is hud_textures.txt now, instead of mod_textures.txt // The long and short of it is - I did a bit of looking at some of the public code for SDK2013, and apparently the game loads TWO files when it comes to HUD icons - not just mod_textures!! // (Look at it here, completely public; https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/master/mp/src/game/client/hud.cpp) // // So, why bother? Eh. It's mostly because mod_textures gets updated fairly frequently - be it new HUD elements for gamemodes, OFFICIAL weapon kill icons, icons for new buildings, etc. // Meanwhile, hud_textures.txt is VERY rarely touched so far as I understand - it's not even present in TF2Classic's install, so I had to grab it from SDK2013-MP's folders! (which are all HL2 defaults might I add.) // I figure - since this file gets updated FAR LESS FREQUENTLY (read: basically never), and I have to modify one of the two files anyway, I might as well modify hud_textures. // // If your mod uses mod_textures.txt, it's still fine! It'll load as normal alongside hud_textures.txt! // I should note though, in the code, it looks like hud_textures gets loaded first, and then mod_textures second. I'm not sure how much of an effect that'll have on icons, but it's something to consider! // //--- // // That aside, welcome! This and mod_textures.txt are central icons files for TF2 / TF2C! // This one in particular is reserved pretty much exclusively for Custom Weapon icons - since they need to be defined here. // SPECIFICALLY, as of a new development - we can treat this file like a game_sounds_manifest.txt - a central file in which to load EVERYTHING else! // // I learned about this from user and friend Yakibomb, who themselves learned it from grand arch-wizard supreme ficool2 (hallowed be his name), who honestly yeah I would have expected to be the one to reveal this // Below, EVERY Custom Weapons mod that exists right now that I can think of has an entry - if you own or made one of these, feel free to include this file as well as your own entry into your mod! // // Note: As it is packaged right now, it only has actual icon-files for New-Old Weapons Pack's Icons + Additions! // Other entries will WORK - but you need to first get the icon files from wherever else, first! Either from the other mod's main install or something. // // As you can see, this file is very easy to edit. If you want to add a new pack, just add one below! // That way, if you're so inclined, you can very easily update this! And, even add kill-icons for unlisted packs! // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// #base "custom_hud/[Live] SDK2013MP Defaults.txt" // SDK 2013 MP's default entries - probably safe to delete but I'm being extra safe! #base "custom_hud/[Live] Live TF2 T.I.P.txt" // Live TF2 T.I.P Kill-Icons #base "custom_hud/[Live] Live TF2 Extras + Tweaks.txt" // Live TF2 Icon Tweaks + Additions // Catch-all if you just wanna add your own stuff quickly! #base "custom_hud/[CW] Custom 1.txt" #base "custom_hud/[CW] Custom 2.txt" #base "custom_hud/[CW] Custom 3.txt" #base "custom_hud/[CW] Custom 4.txt" #base "custom_hud/[CW] Custom 5.txt" // Includes for other Weapons Packs / CW Mods! Add your own if you need, or let me know so I can update it! #base "custom_hud/[CW] Knockout! Custom Weapons.txt" // Knockout! Custom Weapons Icons #base "custom_hud/[CW] Custom Weapons Classic.txt" // Custom Weapons: Classic Icons #base "custom_hud/[CW] TF2 UnClassic.txt" // TF2: UnClassic Icons #base "custom_hud/[CW] TF2Turbo Classic.txt" // TF2 Turbo Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Renaissance Revival.txt" // Yakibomb's "Renaissance Revival" Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Freds Fight-Starters!.txt" // Fred's Fight-Starters! Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Tangerine Paint's Weapons Pack.txt" // T. Paint's Weapons Pack Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Grunt's Weapons Pack.txt" // Grunt's Weapons Pack Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] CarlmanZ's Weapons Pack.txt" // CarlmanZ's Weapons Pack Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Beta Weapons Pack.txt" // Beta Weapons' Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] 'Civilized' Weapons Pack.txt" // "Civilized" Weapons' Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Fortress of Defeat.txt" // Fortress of Defeat / No Mann's Land Weapons' Icons #base "custom_hud/[WS] Halo CE Custom Weapons.txt" // Beta Weapons' Icons // NOWP #base "custom_hud/[CW] New-Old Weapons Pack!.txt" // New-Old Weapons Pack's Icons - Loaded after EVERYTHING else if you wanna replace them! "custom_kill_icons" { TextureFileRefs // Quick note about these: for kill icon grids, the dimensions hafta be a power of 2 (128, 256, 512, 1024, etc.) { "dfile" { "prefix" "d_" } "dnegfile" { "prefix" "dneg_" } } }