Hi! Here's a quick overview over what kind of scripts you can find sitting in the open, here! I strongly encourage you to poke around at them if you have any interest in modding! There's 3 groups of scripts, I'll list their files too. //---------------// -items_game (For adding / modifying TF2C Weapons) [scripts/items/items_game.txt] [scripts/items/items_game_clean_2.0.3.txt] [maps/itemtest_4team_items_game.txt] [maps/itemtest_4expanse_items_game.txt] These files control everything about TF2C's weapons and their stats! Thus, you can use and modify them to create brand new weaponry, or tweak existing weapons. The one in [scripts/items/items_game.txt] is a "global" file for the entire game - ALL the game's weapons across ALL maps are handled by this! Meanwhile, the one in [maps/themapnames_items_game.txt] are custom items that ONLY work on a certain map! The two here only activate on "itemtest_4team" and "itemtest_4expanse", respectively! Additionally, I left a gajillion code-comments inside them. Please give them a read - they might help figure out how some tricky or weird weapons work! //---------------// -game_sounds (For adding sound effects / soundscripts into TF2C) [scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt] [scripts/game_sounds_custom_nowp.txt] [scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt] These files are essentially what the game looks at to figure out how to "play" a sound; their pitch, volume, fade-out level, and if there's other random sounds to worry about! Importantly, the game checks [scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt] first for a list of subfiles to load! If you peek in there, you'll notice I made a bunch of includes for files that don't exist. That's for you guys! After it does that, it reads soundscripts from whatever it loaded. [scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt] is all the Sound Effects scripts from Live TF2 / "Normal" TF2. Literally the same file. If you need, go replace it! [scripts/game_sounds_custom_nowp.txt] is for sound stuff added exclusively by New-Old Weapons Pack! If you need to add your own, do it through another file hooked the same way! //---------------// -response_rules (For adding voice lines for events in the game) [scripts/talker/Pyro.txt] [scripts/talker/Global_Taunts.txt] [scripts/talker/custom_responses_nowp.txt] This one is the hardest to understand, so I don't blame you if you don't wanna bother with them. In a nutshell, these files control some "Responses" - ways characters react to stuff that happens in-game? That first file, [scripts/talker/Pyro.txt], is used in a weird way, so I apologize! But, it's used to include other files, kinda the same way game_sounds_manifest.txt does! It's just Pyro's Responses for the rest of the file. The other two, [scripts/talker/Global_Taunts.txt] and [scripts/talker/custom_responses_nowp.txt], are for adding Taunting to Randomizer Mode, and New-Old Weapons Pack's voice line responses!