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"#ui/item_hat_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_hat_drop.wav" } "mask" { "prefab" "misc" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Mask" "equip_region" "head_skin" } "beard" { "public_prefab" "1" "prefab" "misc" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_FacialHair" "equip_region" "beard" } "backpack" { "public_prefab" "1" "prefab" "misc" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Backpack" "equip_region" "back" "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "backpack" "1" "medic_backpack" "1" } } } "grenades" { "public_prefab" "1" "prefab" "misc" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Bombs" "equip_region" "grenades" "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "grenades" "1" } } } // Scout // Primary "weapon_scattergun" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_mvm_penetration_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" 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"can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_bat" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bat" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bat" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bat" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bat.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } // Soldier // Primary "weapon_rocketlauncher" { "tags" { "can_deal_gib_damage" "1" "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_be_equipped_by_soldier_or_demo" "1" "can_deal_posthumous_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_slot" "primary" 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"#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" } } "weapon_shotgun_multiclass" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_be_equipped_by_soldier_or_demo" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_mvm_penetration_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" "can_deal_taunt_damage" "1" } "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "base_item_name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_shotgun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shotgun/c_shotgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "primary" "pyro" "secondary" "soldier" "secondary" "heavy" "secondary" } "attributes" { "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" 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"can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "is_flamethrower" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_flamethrower" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_FlameThrower_Desc" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_flamethrower" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_flamethrower/c_flamethrower.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // Secondary "weapon_flaregun" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_posthumous_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" "can_deal_taunt_damage" "1" } "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Flaregun" 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"#TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_fireaxe" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_fireaxe_pyro/c_fireaxe_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } // Demoman // Primary "weapon_grenade_launcher" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_gib_damage" "1" "can_deal_posthumous_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" 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"image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_stickybomb_launcher/c_stickybomb_launcher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // Melee "weapon_bottle" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_bottle" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bottle" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bottle" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bottle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bottle/c_bottle.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -14" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } // Heavy (Shotgun already defined above) // Primary "weapon_minigun" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_mvm_penetration_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_minigun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Minigun" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Minigun" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_minigun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_minigun/c_minigun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "weapon_aagun" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_mvm_penetration_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_aagun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_AAGun" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_AAGun" 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"max_ilevel" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" "item_meter_charge_type" "1" "item_meter_charge_rate" "30" "meter_label" "#TF_Sandwich" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_drop.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_pickup.wav" } // Melee "weapon_fists" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_fist_heavy" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_FISTS_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_HITLEFT" "ACT_FISTS_VM_HITLEFT" "ACT_VM_HITRIGHT" "ACT_FISTS_VM_HITRIGHT" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_FISTS_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_FISTS_VM_DRAW" } "styles" { "0" { "skin_red" "2" "skin_blu" "3" "v_skin_red" "2" "v_skin_blu" "3" "selectable" "0" } } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } // Engineer (Shotgun & Pistol already defined above) // Primary // Secondary // Melee "weapon_wrench" { "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_destroy_sappers" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_wrench" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_wrench/c_wrench.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" 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another item like this { "item_class" "tf_weapon_pda_engineer_destroy" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Destroyer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_slot" "pda2" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_pda_engineer" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_pda_engineer/c_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ENGINEER_PDA1_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_ENGINEER_PDA1_VM_DRAW" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } // Building "weapon_builder" // You can't equip another item like this { "item_class" "tf_weapon_builder" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_slot" "building" 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"#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } // PDA "weapon_pda_spy" // You can't equip another item like this { "item_class" "tf_weapon_pda_spy" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Disguise_Kit" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Disguise_Kit_Type" "item_slot" "pda" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cigarette_case" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cigarette_case.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pda_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" } } // PDA2 "weapon_invis" { "item_class" "tf_weapon_invis" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Watch" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Watch" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Watch_Desc" "item_slot" "pda2" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" 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"models/weapons/v_models/v_shotgun_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } } "11" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_HWG" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "baseitem" "1" "hidden" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun_HWG_Desc" "item_slot" "secondary" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shotgun_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } } "12" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "baseitem" "1" "hidden" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shotgun_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } } "13" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Scattergun_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_scattergun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_scattergun_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "14" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sniperrifle.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sniperrifle_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "15" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Minigun_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_minigun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_minigun_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "16" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SMG" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_SMG_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_smg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_smg_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "17" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_SyringeGun_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_syringegun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_syringegun_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "18" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketlauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketlauncher_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "19" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenadelauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_grenadelauncher_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "20" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "baseitem" "1" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_stickybomb_launcher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_stickybomb_launcher_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "21" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "baseitem" "1" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_flamethrower.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_flamethrower_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "22" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PISTOL" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pistol.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pistol_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } } "23" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PISTOL_SCOUT" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol_Scout_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pistol.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pistol_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } } "24" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_revolver.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_revolver_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "25" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_BUILD" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_builder.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_builder_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "26" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_DESTROY" "prefab" "weapon_pda_destroy" "baseitem" "1" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pda_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "27" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PDA_SPY" "prefab" "weapon_pda_spy" "baseitem" "1" } "28" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" "prefab" "weapon_builder" "baseitem" "1" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_toolbox.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_wrench_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "29" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "baseitem" "1" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Medigun_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_medigun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_medigun_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "30" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_INVIS" "prefab" "weapon_invis" "baseitem" "1" } "31" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER_SPY" "prefab" "weapon_sapper" "baseitem" "1" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sapper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sapper_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "32" // First TF2Classic Item, Last Stock Item { "name" "TF_WEAPON_UMBRELLA" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "baseitem" "1" } "33" { "name" "The Kritzkrieg" "prefab" "valve weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_name" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "item_description" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1_Desc" "propername" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_kritzkrieg" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_kritzkrieg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_kritzkrieg_medic.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/kritzkrieg_backpack.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "attributes" { "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "medigun charge is crit boost" { "attribute_class" "set_charge_type" "value" "1" } "ubercharge rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.25" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } } } "34" { "name" "The Ubersaw" "prefab" "valve weapon_bonesaw" "item_logname" "ubersaw" "item_iconname" "ubersaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Syringe" "item_name" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "item_description" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1_Desc" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_syringe" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_syringe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_syringe_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "min_ilevel" "10" "max_ilevel" "10" "attributes" { "add uber charge on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "0.25" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-10" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } } "xifier_class_remap" "ubersaw" } "35" { "name" "The Flare Gun" "prefab" "valve weapon_flaregun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_flaregun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_flaregun_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "36" { "name" "The Sandvich" "prefab" "valve weapon_sandvich" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sandwich.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sandwich_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" } "37" { "name" "The Huntsman" "prefab" "valve weapon_huntsman" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_CompoundBow_Desc" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bow.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bow.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "flip_viewmodel" "0" "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 4 -10" } } "38" { "name" "The Gunboats" "prefab" "valve" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Boots" "item_name" "#TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "item_slot" "secondary" "equip_region" "feet" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_quality" "normal" "propername" "1" "min_ilevel" "10" "max_ilevel" "10" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rocketboots_soldier" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_rocketboots_soldier.mdl" "model_player_per_class" { "soldier" "models/weapons/c_models/c_rocketboots_soldier.mdl" "demoman" "models/weapons/c_models/c_rocketboots_demo.mdl" } "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "secondary" "demoman" "primary" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "rocket jump damage reduction" { "attribute_class" "rocket_jump_dmg_reduction" "value" "0.4" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "armor footsteps" { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "39" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_NAILGUN" "prefab" "weapon_nailgun" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Nailgun_Desc" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } } "40" { "name" "The R.P.G." "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncherBeta" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncherBeta_Desc" "propername" "1" "item_logname" "rpg" "item_iconname" "rpg" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_rpg" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rpg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rpg_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.45" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.3" } "Projectile speed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.75" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.25" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketbeta.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BetaRPG.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BetaRPG.SingleCrit" } } "41" { "name" "The Hunting Revolver" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "item_logname" "hunterrifle" "item_iconname" "hunterrifle" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_HunterRifle" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_HunterRifle_Desc" "propername" "1" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_revrifle" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_revrifle_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_revrifle_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "attributes" { "no scope" // 360 { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "soft zoom" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "1" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.45" } "sniper no dmg charge DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_no_dmg_charge" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" } } "42" { "name" "The Fishwhacker" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "fishwhacker" "item_iconname" "fishwhacker" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fishwhacker_Type" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fishwhacker" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Fishwhacker_Desc" "propername" "1" "min_ilevel" "5" "max_ilevel" "5" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_fishwhacker" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_fishwhacker.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_fishwhacker_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "attributes" { "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "2" } "crit vs bleeding players" { "attribute_class" "crit_vs_bleeding_players" "value" "1" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "3.0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "particle on melee hit" { "attribute_class" "particle_on_melee_hit" "value" "impact_wood" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } "43" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRANQ" "prefab" "weapon_tranq" "attributes" { "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "5.0" } } } "44" { "name" "MIRV" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Grenade" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Mirv" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Mirv_Desc" "anim_slot" "item2" "propername" "1" "min_ilevel" "5" "max_ilevel" "10" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_mirv_demo" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_mirv_demo.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mirv_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/charge_pack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "45" { "name" "The Coilgun" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_coilgun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Coilgun" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Coilgun" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_Coilgun_Desc" "propername" "1" "item_logname" "coilgun" "item_iconname" "coilgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_coilgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_coilgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_coilgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } } "46" { "name" "Mine Layer" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_MineLayer" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_MineLayer_Desc" "item_logname" "proxymine" "item_iconname" "proxymine" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_ProximityMineLauncher" "propername" "1" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_minelayer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_minelayer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_minelayer_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "attributes" { "proximity mines" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_is_proxy" "value" "1" } "stickybomb charge rate" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0.5" } "sticky fizzles" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_fizzles" "value" "1" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "max pipebombs decreased" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-4" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_minebomb.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ProxyBombLauncher.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ProxyBombLauncher.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_ProxyBomb.Explode" } } "47" { "name" "Shock Therapy" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_taser" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Taser" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_ShockTherapy" "item_description" "#TF_Weapon_ShockTherapy_Desc" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_lightningmelee/c_lightningmelee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "taser" "item_iconname" "taser" "propername" "1" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lightningmelee.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lightningmelee.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" } "attributes" { "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "1.7" } "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "1.55" } "crit mod disabled hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.55" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "heal rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "0.85" } } "visuals" { "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolinUber" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_taser_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_taser_drop.wav" } "6000" // For Mappers { "name" "Cubemaps" "item_class" "tf_weapon_cubemap" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Cubemap" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Cubemap" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "5" "max_ilevel" "5" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cigarette_case" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/shadertest/envballs.mdl" "model_player" "models/shadertest/envballs.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "0" } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--WEAPONS PACK ENTRIES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Welcome to the New-Old Weapons Pack! // | VERSION 2.3.5 | // - // (For TF2C v2.0.3) //--------------------------------------// // // Heya! Welcome to the main file (or, one of them) for the New-Old Weapons Pack! // // This file is the main meat of this mod - this is the bit that actually adds all the weapons to the game. // The rest of this mod's content you see in the .vpks and etc is mostly set dressing, but this all is important! // // I won't go too in-depth on how to format a new entry for a new weapon (you can look over the included tutorial for that!) // HOWEVER, I'll have left many, MANY notations about aspects of weapon types, a specific weapon, or the process of making one of these weapons as Code Comments (like you can see below) // If you've got the time, and are interesting in learning how these Weapons tick, and the process that went into them - I encourage reading through! // // Stuff is ordered in the general order I made them, if you need reference to when I made stuff. // Walk in with an open mind, and hopefully you'll learn a lot! // //--------------------------------------// // // Personally, I think it's best for the folks of you that wish to make a weapon or weapons of their own to look through this, pick things up, and learn by doing it yourselves. // I think earnestly each and every one of you could surely learn more from doing yourself than by asking me questions about it. // // Use Live TF2's and TF2C's default items_game.txt, my Attributes Listing and Items_Game Tutorial a few folders back, Google / Valve Developer Community Wiki searching, and your own intuition. // Source is an old engine. No doubt, someone has asked the same kind of questions you've had - and had them answered. Broaden your search range - you can find help in unusual places. // // You can find the answer to your TF2 / TF2C questions in old posts about DOD:S or CSS. You can find engine tips from the depth of HL2 modding, or even sometimes Quake discussion. Hell, even esoteric file type might be used more commonly in other games, like Sonic Generations or PSO2. // This was all to say, don't limit yourself to just TF2, and the answers will flow in as you search for them. // // // Search, problem-solve, hypothesize on problems and test solutions for them. These are valuable life skills that you really can apply anywhere - even making new funny weapons for a TF2 Sourcemod. // People might not always be around to help you in person, so take it into your own hands if you want something done, and something done well. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--CROWBAR STUFF - 3300 ~ 3309 -- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "3300" // This number corresponds DIRECTLY to the item ID, even if they already exist. Set this to a -new- number if you want to ADD a weapon! My mods will hang around the 3300+ range. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" // Just an internal name for all I'm concerned. "prefab" "weapon_bat" // The weapon type this is based on! Duh. You can set info manually too, but this will do the job most of the time. "show_in_armory" "1" // IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT!!! You NEED this for unlockables!!! Without this, it won't appear in your inventory to select! "item_quality" "rarity3" // NEW As of 2.2.5 - a new-ish item quality! It's an off-lavender, not too dissimilar from Stock, and not as visually loud as the Yellow of Unique Quality "item_name" "The Crowbar" // The name of the item. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" // The kind of item it is, in very simplest terms! Probably the same as the name! "item_description" "Good for bashing a chucklehead's skull in." // A funny description! Try to keep this short. It can be anything you want, but I'd try to stick with small quotes. Use TF2C's own descriptions as a style-guide. "item_logname" "crowbar" // What you see pop up in the console! Probably just copy the internal name you set. "item_iconname" "crowbar" // A kill-icon!! It's not exactly easy to add new kill-icons, so you can leave this empty or omit it entirely if you like. It just defaults to the weapon type you're using as a base, anyway. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" // Backpack image. Just one needed! ALSO, how this is set up, it searches for a file named "w_crowbar_large.vmt", located in "materials/backpack/weapons/w_models"! Be wary! "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" // 1 is c_models, 2 is v & w models. Here, it's gonna be 2. "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" // Who can equip it. Duh. If it's multi-class, you can specify to have it in a different wep slot (IE: stock shotgun for Engineer) } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" // Just a fix to tidy up the viewmodels in Minimal Viewmodel mode! Otherwise they look kinda weird for some weapons - like these allclass melees! } "visuals" // This is just for consistency! { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3301" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "For bashing supply-crates and anyone that dares try to steal them from me!" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3302" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "" // No description. Pyro's weapons don't have descriptions, generally, beside the to-the-point descriptive ones. "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3303" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "They come wide at me, this'll pry their eyes right out 'a their noggins!" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_demoman.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Null" // From here on are sounds for the Bottle variant. But, I'm not actually switching this over, since in 2.0.2, the bottle has some hardcoded glass particles on hit when it's "broken"... "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3304" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Tiny little Crowbar is good for crushing tiny boxes and tiny heads." "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_heavy.mdl" // Heavy usually doesn't have the animations for non-Fist melees - so I had to improvise. It's on bip_hand_r instead! "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" // This is a bit weird - but this essentially makes him always do his crit-punch animation when swinging. As it so happens - the hand he holds the melee with is in that hand! { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3305" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Wrench A good ol' number for building construction!" // Take note of the Unique part at the end. If a weapon has an important function as a stock, it's good to clarify a weapon is a reskin of that. "item_logname" "crowbar" // ALSO, no, that weird space is NOT a mistake. This is a hacky way to get the game to make a New-Line (Thanks to NotSuspect for finding this). In lieu of the inability to just add \n and have it work, anyway... "item_iconname" "crowbar" // Please keep this in mind as you see these weird spaces all throughout this file! They'll mostly be used for readability and / or to separate flavor text from stats. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" // Some weapons have "unique" sounds - which can usually be found labeled special1, 2, and 3. This one is for building construction! "animation_replacement" // These are a much more neutral position to hold stuff from than melee - so we'll use that! { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3306" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Truly, a good Doctor's weapon of choice!" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3307" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "An ol' Crowbar is always handy in the field." "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3308" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_knife" // YES, you can backstab with this! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Knife A tool for infiltration - and self-defense." "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_spy.mdl" // This supports Spy's new bloody knife feature, too. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" // For weapons that have taunts that actually do stuff, put this so it doesn't get interrupted by other taunts! (Like Thriller) } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3309" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Umbrella This used to belong to an old bodyguard of mine, but I need this more than he does!" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" // So he isn't posing strangely with the Crowbar in the Character Select screen! "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" // Theoretically would make the Boost animations play in world view, but still doesn't. Damn. { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--FRYING PAN STUFF - 3310 ~ 3319 -- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3310" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" " Oh, what's the matter, you can't hear me? Here, lemme fix that, pal." "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" } "attributes" { "mod rage on hit bonus" // Display-only joke! { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" // This, in theory, means that it doesn't even frickin' do anything accidentally if they add in a Rage modifier (a-la Buff Banner) "value" "100" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" // Some sounds are different from live TF2's just for extra effect, like this clattering when picking up or dropping a pan! "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3311" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "This Frying Pan has seen the horrors of War - and of spoiled soup!" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3312" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3313" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "The taste 'a bacon-grease is nary pleasant." "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_demoman.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "TFPlayer.DoubleDonk" // Meme sound! G o o d . "sound_single_shot" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "FryingPan.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3314" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "I have killed mother bear with this. I will kill tiny-baby men with this, too." "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3315" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Wrench Not my first choice, but it'll do for hammerin'." "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" } "attributes" { "mod rage on hit bonus" // Display-only joke! Most other classes don't have it, but Engi does - for a VERY insidious reason. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "100" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" // Yes, you're reading that right. This thing makes pan noises when building. I hope you hate it <3 // "sound_special2" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3316" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "My Diagnosis: 'Chronic Acoustic Trauma'!" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3317" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Must-have for cooking and bludgeoning in the great outdoors!" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3318" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_knife" // YES, YOU CAN BACKSTAB WITH THIS!! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Knife When caught empty-handed, sometimes you must improvise to escape alive." "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" // The succulent sound of a Frying Pan smashing against somebody's spine. Bliss. "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3319" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Umbrella When I'm having a fine breakfast one moment, and running for my life the next!" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt06" // So he isn't posing strangely with the Pan. The pose looks really odd for shorter items, too. "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" } "attributes" { "mod rage on hit bonus" // Display-only joke! Same deal as Scout and Engi. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "100" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--OBJECTOR STUFF - 3320 ~ 3329 -- Everything here is shifted to be next to the Crowbar and the Frying Pan. Original range was 3390 - 3399! //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3320" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) 'Please save the whales by not smoking cigarettes anymore (or I'll call 9-1-1 on you!)'" "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_scout.mdl" // What I should note, is that this item comes with customizable images! "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_scout.mdl" // You'll probably have seen the folder for it. Just shove some .vtf files in there and it's done! Each team gets one team-unique texture. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" // New secret attribute shh. This changes the particles on melee hit. This one is good for "shitty wood weapons" - something the Objector clearly falls into! "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" // This one pulls its sounds from multiple different weps. I... think that's fine? "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" // If it gets to be a problem for like, sound mods, let me know!! "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" // This item sound goes unused normally - I start using it here for "mixed" material weapons "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" // Stuff like, how the sign has a wood top but a metal handle. Other weapons are the opposite but still mixed! } "3321" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) If Hippies are good for one thing, it's giving me signs to beat their asses with!" "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3322" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!)" "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3323" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) Two wee lads walked into an iron bar - Ach, I dunnae remember the rest." "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_demoman.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Wood.Break" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3324" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) Heavy hopes tiny sign will send message; 'Run while babies still can!'" "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3325" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) Functions identically to the Wrench Son, this here's a warning sign, and these here nails ain't for show." "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3326" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) This sign was lodged inside a patient's skull! I was the one who put it there." "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3327" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) Let's see how those fruit-shop owners like a taste a' their own rubbish." "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3328" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_knife" // You know the drill. Just don't think too hard about it! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) Functions identically to the Knife Unwieldy, but useful to blend into a crowd." "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } "3329" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PICKET" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Conscientious Objector" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" "Current Decal: Team Pride (To change Decals; mod it into your own!) Functions identically to the Umbrella My goodness, isn't this quite a violent anti-violence rally!?" "item_logname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "item_iconname" "nonnonviolent_protest" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_picket/c_picket" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_picket_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_picket_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--EMPTY ENTRIES - 3330 ~ 3339 -- Nothing is here. I can sneak one more all-class melee in here, if I ever feel the desire to! (Henchman + Further classes will get dupes of the existing all-class melees as later entries further in the file) //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE NEW-NEW SHORTSTOP - 3340-- First actual weapon, boys! Let's get to it! //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "3340" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHORTSTOP" // This is a NEW version of the Shortstop! If you want to see what the old version was like, it's at the end of the file. "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "item_class" "tf_weapon_revolver" // Based on a revolver, this time. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" // Note: Some weapons in a certain slot behave strangely if you shove them in another slot, like having a Primary SMG and a Pistol equipped. Huh. "anim_slot" "secondary" // Even if this is a Primary weapon, force Scout to use his Secondary anims (which in this case would be Pistol anims) "propername" "1" // For non-stocks, this adds "The " to the item's name. Simple, but gets the job done. "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Shortstop" "item_type_name" "Break-Action Pistol" "item_description" "'Still think you're funny, funny man?'" "item_logname" "shortstop" "item_iconname" "shortstop" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_shortstop/c_shortstop" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shortstop.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shortstop_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" // Static attributes! To keep things semi-short, I'll shove backend stuff up here if I can possibly do so. { "class select override vcd" "class_select_nailgun" // The Nailgun select looks a lot more neutral than his Scattergun one - it's good for this wep. "clip size penalty hidden" "0.7" // 4 shots! "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "1.5" // 36 ammo in secondary! "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.7" // Boost fire rate to match Shortstop's "damage bonus hidden" "0.3" // If all pellets hit, point-blank, does about 71 damage, give or take. "reload time increased hidden" "0.9" // Slightly faster reload, to match the Pistol's..? } "attributes" // Generally speaking, I tend to put the "visible" attributes down here, but Static Attrs works just fine too! { "torso scale" // Hidden as of 2.2.5 { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "4" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.5" } // "damage force increase text" // { // "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" // "value" "1" // } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "1.2" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier hidden" // Some attributes have text that displays, but don't work - unfortunately... { "attribute_class" "airblast_vulnerability_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Short_Stop.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Short_Stop.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" // A little-used feature even in live TF2 - you can set custom Muzzle and Tracer effects. "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" // It's strict, though, so don't expect much out of these. } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--THE FORCE A NATURE - 3341-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3341" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DOUBLE_BARREL" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Force-A-Nature" "item_type_name" "Break-Action Scattergun" "item_description" " Ain't so funny now that 'cha flyin' through a windshield, eh, chucklehead?" "item_logname" "force_a_nature" "item_iconname" "force_a_nature" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_double_barrel" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_double_barrel.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_double_barrel_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_nailgun" // The Nailgun select looks a lot more neutral than his Scattergun one - it's good for this wep. "reload time increased hidden" "2.8666" // The Scattergun's first reload is fast. We slow it down, way down, to match FAN's reload time. } "attributes" { "provide on active" // To prevent some weirdness when reloading your pistols? { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "scattergun has knockback" { "attribute_class" "apply_self_knockback" "value" "250" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" // Effectively restores the Force-a-Nature's old functions! A bit janky but eh. "value" "250" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "100" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.34" } "scattergun no reload single" // This one is -half- functional. It'll reload your entire clip at once, yes, but it's also based on the Scattergun's reload times. { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Scatter_Gun_Double.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Scatter_Gun_Double.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DoubleBarrel.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- The first cut-content TF2C weapon! These might provide a glimpse into what these weapons used to look like behind closed doors, but don't take it as gospel - it has some of my influence here too! //--THE AA GUN - 3342-- //--------------------- In the event they re-implement one of these weapons, I'd probably turn these entries into fancy reskins. Sound cool? //--------------------- "3342" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AA_GUN" "prefab" "weapon_aagun" // This prefab was left in with release 2.0. We'll see if it remains for future releases! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Anti-Aircraft Cannon" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_AAGun" "item_description" "Fires fast-moving rockets instead of bullets Rockets explode after a medium distance 'You are going to need much bigger guns!'" // For weapons with functions that aren't immediately obvious, a straightforward description is better. "item_logname" "aagun" "item_iconname" "aa_cannon" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_aagun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_aagun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_aagun_heavy.mdl" // A VERY hacky firing animation as of v2.2.5 - tf_weapon_aagun uses a LOOPING fire anim like the Minigun, so I had to match it to the weapon's firerate by hand! Fire-to-Rev anim is very janky, but I can't figure out how to fix it. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "provide on active" "1" "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" // I was debating if I should balance this, but ultimately settled to after a while. I mean, 3 rockets a second? ~110 dmg each? Dispenser -campable? No thanks! { "centerfire projectile" // I'm not sure. This feels slightly better to use. Also, yes, centerfire works. Yes, the Original is here too. Scroll down. { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" // DISPLAY ONLY { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus hidden" // Fire-rate seems to be busted on servers for some reason - it seems to be about 20% faster than intended, so removing the adjustment entirely should do it { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1" // I'm just eyeballing it here - 0.7 seems to be close to the bugged fire-rate so I'm just gonna go with that and assume its making it go down by 15% } "damage penalty" // Come on. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } "rocket limited lifetime" // So the rockets don't just fly to kingdom come after firing them from across the map { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "1" } // "no primary ammo from dispensers while active" // You know. So you can't just make a giant wall of rockets. // { // "attribute_class" "no_primary_ammo_from_dispensers" // "value" "1" // } "custom projectile model" // Black Box rocket! { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_blackbox.mdl" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" // HACKY WORKAROUND. Sometimes, you can set a completely different attribute name to force different text to appear. Or not appear. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "1.2" } "damage force increase hidden" // And, if that one happens to be hidden... then it means you can hide otherwise unhidable info! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.825" } } "visuals" // Unlike other entries where it was optional, we had to manually define sounds for the AA Gun! { "sound_empty" "Weapon_AAGun.ClipEmpty" // I think it was trying to load old sound files that didn't exist anymore for a lot of these. "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_AAGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AAGun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--THE RIGHTEOUS BISON - 3343-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3343" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RAYGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" // In previous versions, this was a Coilgun reskin, but that changed to make it closer to the Live TF2 counterpart. "item_slot" "secondary" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Righteous Bison" "item_type_name" "Raygun" "item_description" " Taste the power of American Space Magic!" "item_logname" "righteous_bison" "item_iconname" "righteous_bison" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_drg_righteousbison/c_drg_righteousbison" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_raygun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_raygun_soldier_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "31.21875" // This makes the reserve ammo '999'. Not infinite, but functionally infinite. Also fits neatly into the default HUD reserve box. "clip size penalty hidden" "0.66" // 4 shots. "fire rate penalty hidden" "1.25" // Slower fire rate. "damage bonus hidden" "5.35" // Makes it deal -about- 50 DMG? This accounts for how it usually would deal multiple ticks going through enemies "reload time increased hidden" "0.6" // Vaguely the time to reload all 4 shots on the original Bison "ragdolls become ash" "1" // Enemies "disintegrate" when killed "override projectile type" "8" // This is an arrow! This is actually REALLY important since an arrow is the only projectile that can penetrate enemies - see below! } "attributes" { "energy weapon no ammo" // DISPLAY ONLY { "attribute_class" "energy_weapon_no_ammo" "value" "1" } "energy weapon penetration" // The main meat! Basically, FOR ONLY ARROWS, this attribute will make projectiles continue after hitting a foe, hitting more foes on the way. { "attribute_class" "projectile_penetration" "value" "1" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" // So you can't just cheese at Engi nests. Though, this is probably vestigial now, huh? { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.1" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" // Technically you can still headshot, but it does the same as a bodyshot anyway so what does it matter! { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.335" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Bison.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Bison.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Bison.Reload" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Bison.Misfire" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--INCENDIARY SHOTGUN - 3344-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3344" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_INCENDIARY" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Spitfire" "item_type_name" "Incendiary Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon has limited range Everything a local arsonist could ask for, rolled into one deadly, makeshift weapon." // I'll make an exception for Pyro-unique weapons (not shared with others) that also don't already have lengthy unique descriptions "item_logname" "shotgun_incendiary" "item_iconname" "shotgun_incendiary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spitfire" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_spitfire.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_spitfire_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // IMPORTANT so the attributes don't escape onto other areas! Before I did this, Pyro's afterburn time was cut down no matter what. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" // This means weapons that don't normally light on fire, sure can now! { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.35" } "maxammo secondary reduced" // To hopefully prevent intense spam? { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.175" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SpitFire.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SpitFire.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--CONCEPT MINIGUN - 3345-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3345" // BOY, this weapon gets weird. Watch. I'll comment about it. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" // See this? Changes Heavy's animation slot to the Shotgun animations. He uses Shotgun animations in world now. "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Heavy Machine Gun" "item_type_name" "Machine Gun" "item_description" " This gun bring memories back to old days of killing many, many baby men. Good times..." "item_logname" "machinegun" "item_iconname" "machinegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_machinegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_machinegun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_machinegun_heavy.mdl" // There's a bit of an issue in that Paysus (the original animator) for some reason didn't see fit to animate Heavy's right arm in the v_model. Rather than cut it out, I had to leave it there... "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" // The class select menu also accepts Taunt .vcd files! Try to choose silent ones, because the voice lines still play. } "attributes" { "aiming movespeed increased" // Surprisingly works. Increases your move speed while you're revved up { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.35" } "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.75" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.65" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.65" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.75" } } "visuals" // This is where the fun begins. { "sound_empty" "Weapon_MachineGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_MachineGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MachineGun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_MachineGun.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_MachineGun.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_MachineGun.Spin" "animation_replacement" // THIS IS A DOOZY. This section basically forcibly tells the game that, instead of using his Primary animations for spooling, remap them to the Secondary idle poses. { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" //Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY" // Standing Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" // [UNUSED FOR HEAVY MINIGUNS] Moving Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" // Moving Deployed; THIS ONE was just sheer luck that I even found it at all. I guess it's the default activity for this? "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_SECONDARY" // Crouched Deployed "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY" // [UNUSED FOR HEAVY MINIGUNS] Moving Crouched Deployed "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" // Swimming Deployed // "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--THE BLUTSAUGER - 3346-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3346" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEECHGUN" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Blutsauger" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "item_description" " 'The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting.'" "item_logname" "blutsauger" "item_iconname" "blutsauger" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_leechgun/c_leechgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_leechgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_leechgun_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { // "override projectile type" "30" // This -would- enable a custom Syringe model, but the Tranquilizer Gun projectiles cause a horrific amount of lag... } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "3" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-2" } "custom projectile model" // This does NOT appear to work for normal Syringes! I could change the projectile to a Tranq Dart, and it'd work, but that's laggy. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_leech_proj.mdl" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--THE POWERJACK - 3347-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3347" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_POWERJACK" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Powerjack" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "item_description" " The hat provides no tactical advantage whatsoever" "item_logname" "powerjack" "item_iconname" "powerjack" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_powerjack/c_powerjack" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_powerjack.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_powerjack_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_attendant.mdl" // TF2C Lads really hate hats with a burning passion, it's kinda funny. Anyway, here's a hat. Just one. Well, it's fine contextually, the weapon does boost Pyro's speed. Should signpost that, with what else, a wearable. "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Yes, these escape if I don't do this. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------ //------------------ //--THE JAG - 3348-- //------------------ //------------------ "3348" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JAG" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Jag" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " For when I ain't got the time to just sit back." "item_logname" "wrench_jag" "item_iconname" "wrench_jag" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_jag/c_jag" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_jag.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_jag_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "Construction rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "1.3" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "Repair rate decreased" // I don't know if this works. I think it does. { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.80" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.67" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--THE ORIGINAL - 3349-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3349" // Yep. As threatened, here it is. The Original! { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ORIGINAL_RL" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Original" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" "Rockets are fired from the center of the screen You had better start quaking in your boots." "item_logname" "quake_rl" "item_iconname" "quake_rl" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_bet_rocketlauncher/c_bet_rocketlauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bet_rocketlauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bet_rocketlauncher_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" // This used to be on "3", that value makes it so the c_arms don't load in... at the cost of no critglows. Ouch?? "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" // Same deal as before. Unfortunately, this one has a voice line, I believe. But, it's delayed, at least. "min_viewmodel_offset" "-5 0 -10" // 2.0.2 patch - to fix a bug with positioning! } "attributes" { "centerfire projectile" // The centerfire attribute shines here, over the AA Gun. { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_original.mdl" // Oh, yeah, it comes with its own UNIQUE rocket model, too. Try and spot it! } } "visuals" // Fun fact. A lot of these sound-scripts were left over in release TF2C. Weird. They mighta' been testing this. { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/quake_ammo_pickup_remastered.wav" // You can point to ANY sound that's loaded, not just the ones in "sound/ui/.." ! "drop_sound" "#weapons/quake_rpg_reload_remastered.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--TEST PYRO FLAMETHROWER - 3350-- TODO: rework with instareload + make it crit vs itself WITHOUT afterburn also critting //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3350" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FIREBALL_LAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "item_class" "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" // Fun fact; the Dragon's Fury in live TF2 is -also- a heavily modified Rocket Launcher. "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Dragon's Fury" "item_type_name" "Fireball Launcher" "item_description" "This weapon cannot Airblast Launches balls of fire that explode and ignite enemies on hit (Make sure to visit Resupply before leaving!)" // This is a very messy fix, but I wanna let people know so they can plan accordingly... "item_logname" "dragons_fury" "item_iconname" "dragons_fury_fireball" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_flameball/c_flameball" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_flameball.mdl" // A newer change for v2.0.0, this is one of the weapons that makes prominent use of so-called "procedural bones" to do some animation stuff in world view! It's really sorcery. "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_flameball_pyro_RL.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" // How to convert a Rocket Launcher into... whatever this is!! { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" // SORCERY!! Thanks to Yakibomb for this. Seriously, how the hell did I go without this!? "rocket limited lifetime" "0.5" // Rockets explode after about 0.45s, vaguely the range of where it usually went. THIS CAUSES PROBLEMS WITH OTHER ROCKET-BASED PROJECTILES!!! "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "2" // Doubles the ammo capacity to about 40 "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.9" // Boosts the fire rate just a bit to make up for, well, not having the boost. "damage bonus hidden" "0.5" // Nerfs the damage to about 50-ish. Let's not make this Rocketlauncher-but-better! "crit mod disabled hidden" "0" // Only hidden since apparently it says this thing can't random crit. Weird but reasonable. } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Provide on Active causes issues with the max ammo, but unfortunately not having it causes even more problems down the line... { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" // You know. This is a Pyro weapon. Of course it lights people on fire! { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } // "crit vs burning players" // revisit when not as disorienting // { // "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" // "value" "1" // } "airblast disabled" // Display Only! Since this is a modified Rocket Launcher, it can't, well... airblast. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.75" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.5" // 5s should be... decent? } "custom projectile model" // Technique from the Cow Mangler! Makes it so they look like fireballs (again) { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" // HACKY WORKAROUND. Sometimes, you can set a completely different attribute name to force different text to appear. Or not appear. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.65" } "damage force increase hidden" // And, if that one happens to be hidden... then it means you can hide otherwise unhidable info! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DragonsFury.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DragonsFury.SingleCrit" "sound_empty" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuildStop" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuildStop" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "animation_replacement" // These would be the Airblast animations, for visual consistency! { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--REMOTE DEPLOY PDA - 3351-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3351" // Another unused weapon! This one lets you deploy buildings remotely, either by hitting it with a Wrench, or activating "Build" again. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REMOTEDEPLOY_PDA" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Remote Signal" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" " Functions identically to the Construction PDA" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_remotesignal_pda" // Prior to 2.2.5, this used the Rush Order's teamcolored PDA model, but I felt that model fit more on that one. "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_remotesignal_pda.mdl" // So, I found a new model for this that ALSO looks like it could remote deploy! Hopefully it works? "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_remotesignal_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "pda can remote deploy" { "attribute_class" "pda_remote_deploy" // Note: Bots don't understand how this works, but generally unintentionally build their stuff anyways! "value" "1" // ...except the Teleporters, which almost always remain in the toolbox. } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--JUMP PAD PDA - 3352------- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3352" // And another one! This one replaces both of your Teleporters with 2 independent Jump Pads. They activate immediately, and don't need upgrading. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JUMPPAD_PDA" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Jump Pad" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" " Build up to 2 Jump Pads to allow your teammates to reach new heights" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_jumppad_pda" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_jumppad_pda.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_jumppad_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "teleporter is jump pad" { "attribute_class" "set_teleporter_mode" // Note: Bots don't really understand this, either! They'll build the Jump Pads, but won't know that "value" "1" // the buildings no longer teleport them. And they just stand around like a dope until an Enemy comes by. } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "4.25" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" // (Funnier if they find out themselves - it's a pretty natural extension of using the Jump Pad tbh) "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--SPEED WATCH TEST - 3353-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3353" // Round III of cut weapons! This is just a watch that makes you go fast. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPEEDWATCH" "prefab" "weapon_invis" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Tactical Retreat" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Watch" //Speed Watch "item_description" " For when things get out of hand." "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/v_models/v_hm_watch/v_hm_watch" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_hm_watch_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "0" // This is unique to watches, any other value has very strange behavior... "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "set cloak is speed" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "3" } "move speed bonus while cloaked" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" "value" "1.3" } "lose cloak on damage" { "attribute_class" "lose_cloak_on_damage" "value" "15" } "cloak consume rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "1.5" } } "visuals" { // "sound_deploy" "Player.Spy_SpeedCloak" // Apparently, setting the weapon mode to 3 or higher makes Speed Watch's sounds? Well, works out. // "sound_empty" "Player.Spy_SpeedUnCloak" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_watch_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_watch_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--CIV HOLY MACKEREL - 3354-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3354" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HOLYMACKEREL" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Holy Mackerel" "item_type_name" "Fresh-Wrapped Fish" "item_description" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating." "item_logname" "holymackerel" "item_iconname" "holymackerel_fishkill" // Texture edit SPECIFICALLY so it has the embarrassing FISH KILL! text. Fantastic. "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_holymackerel/c_holymackerel" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_holymackerel_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_holymackerel_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt06" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "1.66" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_HolyMackerel.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_HolyMackerel.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_gooey_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/hitsound_squasher.wav" // It's a tiiiny bit loud vs. the pickup sound, but it's appropriate I think. } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--KGB & GRU - 3355 - 3356 -- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3355" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOXING_GLOVES" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Gloves" "item_description" " 'I am going to kill you, and kill you, and kill you!'" "item_logname" "gloves" "item_iconname" "gloves" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_boxing_gloves/c_boxing_gloves" // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_boxing_gloves_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves_alt.mdl" // So the gloves appear on his hands even when holding other weapons. Dummied out - they're really, REALLY bulky. "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } } // "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1" // V2.1.5 - I believe this should fix the weird hands bug if a Heavy dies with either of the gloves equipped "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hands" "1" // Hide 'em. } "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.Miss" // Funny thing, these sounds were ALSO in the game still, and not just the sound scripts, but also the sound files themselves. Guess they were planning on KGB for a bit. "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_drop.wav" } "3356" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOXING_GLOVES_URGENT" // I'll be honest - this is just since it's almost basically a reskin of the KGB. Still, works out, Да? "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Gloves of Running Urgently" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Gloves" "item_description" " Tiny cowards think they can run from me? Hah! They are wrong." "item_logname" "gloves_running_urgently" "item_iconname" "gloves_running_urgently" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_boxing_gloves_urgency/c_boxing_gloves_urgency" // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves_urgent.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_boxing_gloves_urgent_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves_urgent_alt.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "2" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } } // "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1" "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hands" "1" } "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--EXPLOSIVE JARATE - 3357 -- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3357" // THIS, was a process and a half to get working. Buckle up, lemme start from the top. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EXPLOSIVE_JARATE" "prefab" "weapon_smg" // Loads the SMG's data as a base to work off of. This is largely irrelevant, but it's a Secondary Weapon and Sniper-only. "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // Immediately, convert that weapon to tf_weapon_mirv - the only throwable in the game. "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "item1" // Sniper, luckily, has his Item1 animations intact for some reason, so we can set this to force those to load for world model. "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Jarate" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Jar" "item_description" "Item Recharge: (16s) Hey, as long as it works." // Indeed. "item_logname" "urinejar" "item_iconname" "urinejar" // This shouldn't do any damage, but if it DOES, a funny icon shows up "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/urinejar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_urinejar.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_urinejar_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/sniper_jarmaments.mdl" // PEE VEST PEE VEST PEE VEST "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" // Make the projectile resemble Jarate's behavior: { "override projectile type" "2" // Changes it to a Rocket (2) or a Pipe Bomb (3), instead of MIRV (too powerful!) Both have their pros and cons, but Rocket behaves more like actual Jarate. "damage bonus hidden" "0.002" // Just enough to register as "Damage" - it doesn't actually do any damage, but makes the hit enemies "flinch" a bit. "add condition on hit" "30 10.0" // Effect "30" is Marked for Death. Triggers when an enemy takes "damage", and lasts for 10 seconds. // "add condition on hit" "24 10.0" // Effect "24" is Jarate's overlay. It only kinda works, and conflicts with Marked for Death, so this is dummied out. "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Yes, SOMEHOW this stuff escapes otherwise. God dammit! { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "jarate description" // Nonfunctional, this neither puts out teammates nor douses enemies in pee (sadly). HOWEVER, it DOES mark enemies for minicrits! { "attribute_class" "desc_jarate_description" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" // Set the new projectile to use the Jarate model. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_urinejar_projectile.mdl" } // Backend stuff. Also yes, none of the below is actually what the attribute name suggests. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" // Charge Rate nerf { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "1.6" // More specifically, this recharges in 16 seconds. } "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.15" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" // Nerfs Jarate Jumping a bit - you'll still get air, just not absolutely DISGUSTINGLY insane air. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.55" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_special1" "Jar.Explode" "sound_special2" "Jar.Explode" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--ENGI REVOLVER - 3358------- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3358" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_ENGI" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Six-Shooter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" "Just need one ol' gun and six shots." "item_logname" "sixshooter" "item_iconname" "sixshooter" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_sixshooter" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sixshooter.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sixshooter_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // Nothing hugely remarkable about this. These stats basically just turn it into a Revolver. { "damage bonus hidden" "2.66" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.5" "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.4" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.18" // This nukes the ammo pool to 36 - so Engineer isn't sitting here all day with that bloody 200 reserve ammo pool! } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_EngiRevolver.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EngiRevolver.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Revolver.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" // Coilgun reload looks closer to the action of reloading a Revolver! // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--COW MANGLER 5K - 3359-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3359" // THE WEAPON NOBODY ASKED FOR! Too late. I was bored and curious how much I could get it to work. Surprisingly, more than I expected. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_COWMANGLER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" // In v2.2.5, I tested a version pitched by user contro that turned it into a charge-based RL, based on the Huntsman. Unfortunately, that might have led to crashes, so binned it... "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Cow Mangler 5000" "item_type_name" "Particle Launcher" "item_description" "Afterburn deals no damage 'Scientists in the future have studied your ass for centuries - and sent me back in time to kick it.'" "item_logname" "cow_mangler" "item_iconname" "cow_mangler" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_drg_cowmangler/c_drg_cowmangler" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cowmangler.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_cowmangler_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" // I keep having to come back to this since it's always broken guh { "class select override vcd" "taunt06" // Thriller! "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "49.95" // 999 reserve ammo, just like before! "ragdolls become ash" "1" // Enemies "disintegrate" when killed // "damage bonus hidden" "0.9" "reload time increased hidden" "1.05" } "attributes" { "energy weapon no ammo" // DISPLAY ONLY { "attribute_class" "energy_weapon_no_ammo" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" // Weird. But, I felt it a good stopgap, since ostensibly this doesn't have its Secondary Fire. { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "crit vs burning players" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "1" } "clip size bonus" // 5 shots! Count 'em, 5! { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.2" } "damage penalty" // Since the CM5K in live TF2 does the exact same damage, I nerfed this one. 35% damage penalty. IDK if it's enough. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.4" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" // Same as before. So you can't just cheese your way through Engi nests. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.25" } "weapon burn time reduced" // Don't worry, it only lasts for 3 seconds { "attribute_class" "hand_scale" "value" "0.3" } "crit mod disabled" // Imagine getting Crockets on a weapon with infinite ammo. Come on. { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" // So, in live TF2, the projectile also uses this model, so it looks like it's just the particles. Same deal, here, except with a fiery trail instead of plasma. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" } // Backend stuff "hand scale" // Don't worry, it only lasts for 1 and a half seconds. { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.215" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "rocket" "0" // So he doesn't load rockets, even though he still does the animation of it. } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_CowMangler.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_CowMangler.Single" "sound_reload" "Weapon_CowMangler.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_CowMangler.Explode" "animation_replacement" // Godawful code blocks from the HMG... { //Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY" // Standing Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" // Moving Deployed "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_PRIMARY" // Crouched Deployed "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY" // Moving Crouched Deployed // "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" // [UNUSED?] Swimming Deployed // "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" // [UNUSED?] } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--THE EYELANDER - 3360-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3360" // The cursed weapon returns. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CLAYMORE" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" // So, the Bottle has a weird bug where it doesn't register custom sounds, for whatever reason. This'll fix it for this weapon! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Eyelander" "item_type_name" "Cursed Sword" "item_description" " Don't be next on me head-count, lad!" "item_logname" "claymore" "item_iconname" "sword" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_claymore/c_claymore" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_claymore.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_claymore_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo_swordsheath.mdl" // This used to be the Targe model, but changed it in anticipation of a future split "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" // I have absolutely no bloody idea what this attribute does. "decapitate type" "1" // Nonfunctional! Why! This is like, the key reason you use an Eyelander - to lop off unwitting lads' heads!! "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Why do these keep escaping!?!? { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "3.75" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "move speed bonus" // Since there exists no "Heads" or kill-count mechanic in TF2C, these are just the stats from 2-head Demoman (out of 4). { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.2" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--OF DM GRENADE LAUNCHER - 3361-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3361" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_DM" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Ol' Brimstone" "item_type_name" "Pump-Action Grenade Launcher" "item_description" " A wee lad in a mask was in a mighty hurry and left this pretty bloody thing behind. T'is me lucky day!" // IS THAT A FUCKIN' 「OPEN FORTRESS」 REFERENCE!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? "item_logname" "grenadelauncher_dm" "item_iconname" "grenadelauncher_dm" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_grenadelauncher_dm" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenadelauncher_dm.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_grenadelauncher_dm_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Okay it's -technically- a rocket. "damage bonus hidden" "0.7" } "attributes" { "explosive bullets" // Wow! Display only! { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.55" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.7" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_grenadelauncher_dm_RL.mdl" // The "normal" grenade is still in the files too, but Rockets don't come with teamcoloring. This is just a neutral variant. } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.5" } "damage force increase hidden" // Nerfs Grenade Jumping, since you got absolutely insane air. You still get mad height, just slightly less { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.8" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.DrumLoad" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--BLEED SYRINGEGUN - 3362-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3362" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_BLEED" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Aderlasser" // Name change suggested by KaydemonLP - it suits it better than "Blutstahler" - which isn't even a real word! "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "item_description" " As part of the procedure, I will need to take your blood - All of it." "item_logname" "syringegun_bleed" "item_iconname" "syringegun_bleed" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mp40" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mp40.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mp40_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { // "override projectile type" "30" // This -would- enable a custom Syringe model, but the Tranquilizer Gun projectiles cause a horrific amount of lag... } "attributes" { "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "3.5" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mp40_proj.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MP40_Bleed.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MP40_Bleed.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--MINICRIT SNIPER - 3363-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3363" // The idea with this weapon was to make a "support" Sniper Rifle - where instead of picking off key targets, Sniper "marks" key targets for nearby teammates to go after. The most experimental of the bunch, so this might change in the future. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WA2000_MARKER" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Marksman's Marker" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "item_description" "Mark multiple opponents for death! (3s each) Sometimes, you can let the rough-types do the dirty work for you." "item_logname" "wa2k_marker" "item_iconname" "wa2k_marker" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_items/c_ess_eliminator/essendon_eliminator" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_wa2k_marker.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_wa2k_marker_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" // Just like with the Nailgun, the Revolver Rifle's class select is fairly neutral, and nice for this weapon! } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no scope" // For some reason, this one attribute controls both the rendering of the scope AND the headshot damage multiplication. Heck. { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" // Marked for Death, like with Jarate above. Only 3.5 seconds this time, though! { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 3" } "mark for death" // Since I wanna signpost it this time, this is here. This ALSO does not work! Weird!!! { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "damage bonus hidden" // Side effect of the no scope thing. Because otherwise, you do like what, 6 damage? { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "8.75" } "damage penalty" // DISPLAY ONLY, since the Hunting Rifle is a bit buggy for my purposes. { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "0.7" } "sniper no dmg charge DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_no_dmg_charge" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_WA2K_Marker.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_WA2K_Marker.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SniperRifle.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //-ENGINEER METAL BACKPACK - 3364-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3364" // This is a wearable backpack for Engi that gives him more metal - in exchange for an item slot. Hmm. Better think about it, yeah? { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BACKPACK" "item_class" "tf_wearable" // Yes! This is a wearable item - like the Gunboats, or the Cozy Camper from live. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" // I debated for a while whether to replace Primary or Secondary, still up in the air about it. It's Primary, for now. "equip_region" "back" // Probably vestigial, not sure. "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" // I actually need these here, for once. This item doesn't load from a prefab, so it needs info for the bounding boxes of the icons! "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Storage Backpack" "item_type_name" "Backpack" "item_description" " Replaces your Shotgun You are unable to use a Primary Weapon while this item is equipped" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/engineer/dec15_winter_backup/dec15_winter_backup" "model_player" "models/player/items/engineer_winter_backup_backpack.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer_winter_backup_backpack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "maxammo metal increased" // 250 metal seems fair. 300 metal seemed like way too much. { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "1.5" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.25" } "maxammo grenades1 increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "1.75" } "move speed penalty" // So you can't bugger off as fast { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } "dmg taken increased" // Not actually sure if this works? It'd be so even if you have more metal to make a Nest, you'd be even more vulnerable to the people who would ransack your nests to begin with - Soldier and Demoman. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--QUICK FIX- 3365-- //------------------- //------------------- "3365" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_QUICK_FIX" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" // ...probably.. vestigial..? "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Quick-Fix" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Medigun_Prototype" "item_description" "Über duration: 5 seconds Oh, don't be such a baby, ribs grow back! Keep asking, and you'll have 5 more!" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_proto_medigun/c_proto_medigun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_quickfix.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_quickfix_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/quickfix_backpack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "lunchbox adds minicrits" // This attribute is magic, and I'm honestly not entirely sure what it does. { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" // Setting it to "1" gives it Kritzkrieg particles, though. } // "medigun charge is megaheal" // This is only partially coded into the game. I don't think it does anything, beyond not making you invincible? It disables sound, too. // { // "attribute_class" "set_charge_type" // "value" "2" // } "heal rate bonus" // This works. { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "1.4" } "ubercharge rate bonus" // This works. { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.55" } // Backend stuff // "powerup duration" // Display Only! // { // "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" // "value" "5" // } "voice pitch scale" // This is a weird rebalance, and also hidden I hope. It reduces the time Medic's Ubercharge lasts. { "attribute_class" "add_uber_time" "value" "0.625" } "ubercharge overheal rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_overheal_uberchargerate" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Quick_Fix.Healing" // Neither of these sounds work. I'm not sure why. "sound_special2" "TFPlayer.QuickFixInvulnerableOn" // On closer inspection, even live TF2 doesn't use any sounds down here in this section. How they get their sounds working is a complete mystery... } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--MOLOTOV TEST - 3366-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3366" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GASCAN" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // Same deal as Jarate, BUT it had to be its own independent weapon! No prefabs, those were causing weirdness. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Gas Passer" "item_type_name" "Jerry Can" "item_description" "Item Recharge: (18s) When thrown, produces an explosion of fire that ignites enemies after a small delay" "item_logname" "jar_gas" "item_iconname" "jar_gas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_gascan/c_gascan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gascan.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gascan_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/pyro_firemans_essentials_backpack.mdl" // This used to go with the Spray n' Pray, but I decided it was better to signpost this item instead! "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" // Just some small backend stuff to make it behave... well, not like the Gas Passer in Live TF2, but a general purpose grenade. { "override projectile type" "3" // Pipe Bomb. Unlike Jarate, this actually does damage, so give 'em a second to process the threat. "damage bonus hidden" "0.035" // This actually DOES damage too that isn't fire damage! 45 on a direct hit, so not much but nothing exactly to sneeze at either. Expect less on avg, however. "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Fix for v1.5.1 -- Adds in settings for min viewmodels where they were absent before. "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "weapon burn time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "1.75" // 15-odd sec, maybe? } "blast radius increased" // Makes it a bit more generous with blast radius. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.75" } "custom projectile model" // Gas Can model { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gascan.mdl" } // Backend stuff. Also yes, none of the below is actually what the attribute name suggests. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" // Charge Rate { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "1.8" // More specifically, this recharges in 18 seconds. } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" // Unlike my other weapons based on explosives, you CANNOT jump with this weapon by design. It explodes harmlessly (to you) under your feet. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GasCan.Throw" "sound_burst" "Weapon_GasCan.Throw" "sound_special1" "Weapon_GasCan.Explode" "sound_special2" "Weapon_GasCan.Explode" "sound_special3" "Weapon_GasCan.Throw" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_paint_can_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } //------------------ //------------------ //--SANDMAN - 3367-- //------------------ //------------------ "3367" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WOOD_BAT" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" // For a funny little easter-egg... "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Sandman" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bat" "item_description" "This weapon cannot launch Baseballs Oh, 'Night-night', you big freakin' dumbass. Ya need your little baby-blankie too?" "item_logname" "sandman" "item_iconname" "sandman" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_wooden_bat/c_wooden_bat" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_wooden_bat.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_wooden_bat_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.78125" "damage bonus hidden" "0.54" "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" } "attributes" { "tranq on hit" // Yep. It can't launch baseballs. Well, I took to the theme of the weapon, "stunning / putting to sleep", since it's called "The Sandman". This felt like a natural extension. { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "2.49" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1.25" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-15" } "custom projectile model" // This is functionally useless, but can't hurt to leave it here! { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_baseball.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Bat.Miss" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Bat.MissCrit" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitWorld" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--DISCIPLINARY ACTION HYBRID - 3368-- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "3368" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RIDING_CROP" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "item_class" "tf_weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Disciplinary Action" "item_type_name" "Riding Crop" "item_description" "Alt-Fire: Grant an Ally temporary Mini-Crits (20s cooldown) 'We will push until there is nothing left to push!'" "item_logname" "disciplinary_action" "item_iconname" "disciplinary_action" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_riding_crop/c_riding_crop" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_riding_crop.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_riding_crop_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_generalformals.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" // Since this is an Umbrella, turn it back into a Shovel { "fire rate penalty hidden" "1.6" "damage bonus hidden" "1.39" "melee range multiplier" "1.7" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // So you don't run at hyper speed all the time! { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" // DISPLAY ONLY { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "0.75" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.65" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_melee_miss" "DisciplineDevice.Swing" "sound_burst" "DisciplineDevice.SwingCrit" // This weapon in live TF2 is actually seperated into the swing and whip hit sound, so it's a bit odd. "sound_melee_hit" "DisciplineDevice.Impact" "sound_melee_hit_world" "DisciplineDevice.HitWorld" "sound_special1" "DisciplineDevice.PowerUp" "animation_replacement" // Gets this too since the weapon can boost { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_hat_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_hat_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--HOMEWRECKER - 3369-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3369" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HOMEWRECKER" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Homewrecker" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Sledgehammer" "item_description" " Blunt force, for Sapper and Spy removal." "item_logname" "sledgehammer" "item_iconname" "sledgehammer" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_sledgehammer/c_sledgehammer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sledgehammer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sledgehammer_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "damage applies to sappers" // This doesn't actually work, BUT, since we set the weapon to be a Wrench, now it does. { "attribute_class" "set_dmg_apply_to_sapper" "value" "1" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "2.654" } "damage penalty" // The dmg vs. players attribute doesn't actually work, so this is a basic workaround to get it to behave the same! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.754" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" // Reduce metal repair to like, 1. 1 Metal. I could make it 0 if I wanted, but it's funny for people to realize it does a tiny, tiny, teensy-tiny bit of healing. { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.01" // It takes like over 30 seconds and like 30+ hammer swings to heal just 100 HP on any Building. An Engineer can do that in just TWO swings in like a second. } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_FireAxe.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Machete.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FireAxe.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" // This would be the Building clinking noise when you hit it with a melee. Changes it to be the same as hitting any other object. "sound_special2" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--RESCUE RANGER - 3370-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3370" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RESCUE_RANGER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Rescue Ranger" "item_type_name" "Telemax Shotgun" "item_description" "Upon hitting enemies, all active Buildings will receive some upgrade / repair progress For when you need to get outta trouble in a big ol' hurry!" "item_logname" "rescue_ranger" "item_iconname" "rescue_ranger_claw" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_tele_shotgun/c_tele_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tele_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tele_shotgun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // Backend weirdness for the projectile { "override projectile type" "30" // Classic ol' Tranq Dart "damage bonus hidden" "7.5" // About 45 accounting for the lack of damage rampup?? } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "engineer building teleporting pickup" // THIS WORKS!? Like, it's the only thing about the Rescue Ranger that works, but it works perfectly. Huh. { "attribute_class" "building_teleporting_pickup" "value" "100" } "add construction on hit" // This is the attribute that does the heavy lifting - hitting an enemy upgrades and repairs your buildings, as if you had hit them with a Wrench { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_construction" "value" "1" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.25" } // "mark for death on building pickup" // Not entirely sure this is functional? // { // "attribute_class" "mark_for_death_on_building_pickup" // "value" "1" // } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.1" } "custom projectile model" // Changes it to the repair claw. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_repair_claw.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" // whoops lmao I forgot this { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RescueRanger.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RescueRanger.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------ //------------------ //--STENGUN - 3371-- //------------------ //------------------ "3371" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_STEN_NAILGUN" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Sydney Spikeshooter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "item_description" " And, just so you know, mate - these rail-spikes still got rust on 'em." "item_logname" "sten_nailgun" "item_iconname" "sten_nailgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_stengun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_stengun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_stengun_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" // Backend weirdness for the projectile { "override projectile type" "29" // NAIIIILLL } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "3.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_STENGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_STENGun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--HEAVY SHOTGUN - 3372-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3372" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FAMILY_BUSINESS" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Family Business" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Efficiency of Mother Russia at her best." "item_logname" "family_business" "item_iconname" "family_business" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_russian_riot/c_russian_riot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_russian_riot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_russian_riot_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.33" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FamilyBusiness.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FamilyBusiness.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--REVOLVER THING - 3373-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3373" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ENFORCER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Enforcer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" "Damage dealt with this weapon ignores any active resistances Something to finish up the job with." "item_logname" "enforcer" "item_iconname" "enforcer" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_snub_nose/c_snub_nose" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_snub_nose.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_snub_nose_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "dmg pierces resists absorbs" { "attribute_class" "mod_pierce_resists_absorbs" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Enforcer.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Enforcer.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--FUNNY KNIFE - 3374-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3374" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DNA_KNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Eternal Reward" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_description" "Transformations will start with reduced HP When successfully hitting an Enemy, copy their current Class and Weapons onto you" "item_logname" "eternal_reward" "item_iconname" "eternal_reward" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_eternal_reward/c_eternal_reward" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_eternal_reward.mdl" // As an aside, the knife has proper bloodied skins for killing someone - even though it probably won't. "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_eternal_reward_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // HOW AND WHY DO THESE KEEP ESCAPING!! { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "disguise on backstab" { "attribute_class" "mod_onhit_copy_victim" // THIS ATTRIBUTE IS EXTREMELY JANK. "value" "1" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "mult cloak meter consume rate" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "1.33" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // So you don't start with totally full health on transforming - more impactful for light classes { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "-75" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v1.5.0 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--SCOUT THROWABLE - 3375-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3375" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CLEAVER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // Same deal as the other two throwables. A lot of this is copied specifically from the Gas Passer! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Flying Guillotine" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Cleaver" "item_description" "Item Recharge: (5s) 'Man, your skull's so soft - you're makin' this easy!'" "item_logname" "guillotine" "item_iconname" "guillotine" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_sd_cleaver/c_sd_cleaver" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sd_cleaver.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sd_cleaver_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/scout_tourniquet.mdl" // Might improve in the future "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Pipe Bomb or Rocket, just like Jarate. "damage bonus hidden" "0.265" // Does about 75 dmg? excl bleed "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Same deal as the gas can. } "attributes" { "cleaver description" { "attribute_class" "desc_cleaver_description" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" // Guillotine. I notice this and the Gas Can sorta have shoddy aerodynamics... might need to fix. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sd_cleaver_projectile.mdl" // This animates to spin in circles as it flies toward your skull! } // Backend stuff. Also yes, none of the below is actually what the attribute name suggests. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" // Charge Rate -buff-, after the 2.0.1 patch that nerfed the MIRV's base charge time from 7s to 10s. { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.5" // 5 seconds! } "hand scale" // Mostly removes the blast radius - you have to score a direct hit for this to do anything. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" } "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" // Unlike my other weapons based on explosives, you CANNOT jump with this weapon by design. It explodes harmlessly (to you) under your feet. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Cleaver.Single" "sound_burst" "Cleaver.Single" "sound_special1" "Cleaver.ImpactFlesh" "sound_special2" "Cleaver.ImpactWorld" "sound_special3" "Cleaver.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //-MANTREADS - 3376-- //------------------- //------------------- "3376" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_TANKERBOOTS" "item_class" "tf_wearable" // Using the Gunboats as a guideline, this is a wearable too! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" // It's manually defined later, but we NEED this here so it shows up to begin with! "equip_region" "feet" // Probably vestigial, not sure. "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" // I actually need these here, for once. This item doesn't load from a prefab, so it needs info for the bounding boxes of the icons! "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Mantreads" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Boots" "item_description" "" "item_logname" "mantreads" "item_iconname" "mantreads" // I almost forgot you can kill with these! "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/soldier/mantreads/mantreads" "model_player" "models/player/items/tankerboots.mdl" "model_player_per_class" // This is new! I'll have to do testing with this. It's copied from the Gunboats, of course. { "soldier" "models/player/items/tankerboots.mdl" "demoman" "models/player/items/tankerboots_demo.mdl" // LOOK WHO'S HERE, EH? The model's kinda crappy, but it's the thought that counts. } "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "secondary" "demoman" "primary" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" } "attributes" { "damage force reduction" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "0.25" } "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier" { "attribute_class" "airblast_vulnerability_multiplier" "value" "0.25" } "armor footsteps" // Thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk! { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //-SANDVICH ITEM TEST - 3377-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3377" { // "name" "The Sandvich" // This seems to be MANDATORY to have??? If it's not named specifically "The Sandvich", // "prefab" "weapon_sandvich" // then you can't taunt with it. Ergo, can't eat it. You seem to be able to edit everything else, though..? "name" "TF_WEAPON_DALOKOHS" // Prior to TF2C v2.0.2, this had an issue where it had to be named specifically "The Sandvich" in order to taunt. "prefab" "weapon_sandvich" // Thanks to KaydemonLP for fixing this! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Dalokohs Bar" // As I mentioned before, this is the actual name. The above is usually the internal name, I guess. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" " Taste of good chocolate while killing baby cowards... is very, very good!" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_chocolate/c_chocolate" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_chocolate.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_chocolate_heavy.mdl" // By the way, for models, the bite bodygroup has to be the FIRST bodygroup in order! "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/heavy_sandvichsafe.mdl" // Adds a cute cosmetic lunchbox to signify its presence - TBH I think this should be a default feature already! "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "item_meter_charge_type" "1" "item_meter_charge_rate" "10" // This -should- reduce the cooldown time, but ends up doing nothing... "meter_label" "#TF_Sandwich" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } // "lunchbox adds maxhealth bonus" // Doesn't work! // { // "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" // "value" "1" // } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "120" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/items/plate_chocolate.mdl" // I don't think this works. } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_drop.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_pickup.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--CIV HEAL MELEE - 3378-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3378" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CIV_HEALER" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_taser" // So it heals! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Trust Fund" "item_type_name" "Commemorative Trophy" "item_description" "This weapon cannot provide Mini-Crit Boosts Hit teammates for a quick full heal to maximum health (15s cooldown)" "item_logname" "civ_healer" "item_iconname" "freedom_staff_short" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_tw_eagle/c_tw_eagle" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tw_eagle.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tw_eagle_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" // So he isn't posing strangely "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.625" // Match the swing-speed of the normal melee! "melee range multiplier" "1.7" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Better safe than sorry... { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal rate bonus" // Display only! { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "2.0" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "35" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.75" } // Backend stuff "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--INSIDE JAB - 3379-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "3379" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_KNIFE_GUN" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Inside Jab" "item_type_name" "...Revolver?" "item_description" " Little do they know, you have brought a knife-gun to a knife fight." "item_logname" "knife_gun" "item_iconname" "knife_gun" "image_inventory" "backpack\workshop\weapons\c_models\c_pistol_knife\c_pistol_knife" // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pistol_knife.mdl" // Btw. The firing pin gets pushed down on a successful backstab. "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pistol_knife_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pistol_knife.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" "particle on melee hit" "coilgun_destroyed" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // These are all display only! This Functions identically to the Knife. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.6" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2.0" } "mod flamethrower back crit" { "attribute_class" "set_flamethrower_back_crit" "value" "1.0" } "Projectile range decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.05" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_PistolKnife.Hit" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_PistolKnife.Hit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_watch_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_watch_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DIRECT HIT - 3380 -- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3380" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DIRECTHIT" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Direct Hit" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" " The Eagles are screaming! I am screaming! You are not screaming - you are dead!" "item_logname" "directhit" "item_iconname" "directhit" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_directhit/c_directhit" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_directhit.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_directhit_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" // This one would be the Chest Pound taunt. Surprisingly, it doesn't seem like it has any voice! } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.25" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.8" } // "mod mini-crit airborne" // { // "attribute_class" "mini_crit_airborne" // "value" "1" // } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.3" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_directhit.mdl" // You know the drill! This one isn't teamcolored by default - the viewmodel ones are, though! } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPG_DirectHit.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPG_DirectHit.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RPG.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_DirectHit.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------- //--INCENDIARY ROCKET FLAREGUN - 3381 -- //-------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------- "3381" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ROCKET_FLAREGUN" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" // Defined manually only to avoid the display-only crit attribute that's on the flaregun prefab! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Firecannon" // Sheesh. It took a while to figure out what I wanted this to be. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "item_description" " Fires incendiary shells that explode on contact with any object" "item_logname" "rocket_flaregun" "item_iconname" "rocket_flaregun_new" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun_new.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_concept_flaregun_new_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Rockets! // "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.5" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Quick fix for the min. viewmodels bugging out! "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.55" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "1.25" } "rocket limited lifetime" // Semi-fix for the DF fucking stuff up? { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.85" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun_shell_new.mdl" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" // Lowers the blast radius by about half. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.5" } "damage force increase hidden" // Jump Height increase. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "1.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Detonator.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Detonator.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Detonator.Detonate" "sound_reload" "Weapon_FlareGun.WorldReload_Alt" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--TEST NAILS - 3382-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "3382" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_NAIL_WRENCH" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Southern Hospitality" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " 'You were gettin' too big for your britches!'" "item_logname" "southern_hospitality" "item_iconname" "southern_comfort_kill" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_spikewrench/c_spikewrench" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_spikewrench.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_spikewrench_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" // A lot of this is just a carry-over from the live TF2 variant. { "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "dmg taken from fire increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_fire" "value" "1.20" } "custom projectile model" // ...? I have no idea if this even works. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_nail.mdl" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SYDNEY SLEEPER - 3383-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3383" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DARTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Sydney Sleeper" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Tranq" // Yep. "item_description" " 'How's about we call it a day?'" "item_logname" "sydney_sleeper" "item_iconname" "sydney_sleeper" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_sydney_sleeper/c_sydney_sleeper" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sydney_sleeper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sydney_sleeper_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "brass_eject_model" "" // I was EXCITED as hell to find this, but it doesn't... seem to be functional? "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { // "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" // Just like with the Nailgun, the Revolver Rifle's class select is fairly neutral, and nice for this weapon! "override projectile type" "30" // Back to Tranq Dart again... } "attributes" { "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.35" } "tranq on hit" // I actually already moved the S. Sleeper's role over to the Marker - so time to improvise... { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "7" } // "sniper charge per sec" // Doesn't work! // { // "attribute_class" "mult_sniper_charge_per_sec" // "value" "1.25" // } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" // I don't actually know why this is here. Sniper Rifles can't random crit to begin with! { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" // Technically you can still headshot, but it does the same as a bodyshot anyway so what does it matter! { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.334" } "custom projectile model" // The unused dart model! { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_dart.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SydneySleeper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SydneySleeper.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SniperRifle.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--POCKET PISTOL - 3384-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3384" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PEP_PISTOL" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " Time for ya to bite the bullet, pal!" "item_logname" "pep_pistol" "item_iconname" "pep_pistol" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_pep_pistol/c_pep_pistol" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pep_pistol.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pep_pistol_scout.mdl" // Wasn't too much interesting - if anything, the process of porting the model over was a hassle... "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_PickPocket_Pistol.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_PickPocket_Pistol.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v1.7.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //----------------------- //----------------------- //--DISGUISE GUN - 3385-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3385" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DERRINGER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Covert Operator" "item_type_name" "Derringer" "item_description" "On hit: You get Marked for Death briefly! Stay out of sight! A discrete gun for undercover operations." "item_logname" "derringer" "item_iconname" "derringer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_derringer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_derringer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_derringer_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "keep disguise" // Makes it so you don't undisguise when shooting! { "attribute_class" "set_keep_disguise" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.4" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } // Backend stuff "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "48 2.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" // Quiets the reload slightly and makes it less repetitive to fire constantly "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Derringer.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Derringer.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Derringer.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- This is only a temporary stopgap! Ideally, I want the thing to be an AOE wrench, or a long-distance wrench - that sorta thing! //--ENGI REMOTE UPGRADE WEAPON - 3386-- Maybe wrench hits would create a small explosion that does stuff. Like a CM5K explosion / repair pulse? //------------------------------------- Expect this to change over time... //------------------------------------- "3386" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REMOTE_UPGRADE" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Eureka Effect" "item_type_name" "Malfunctioning Telemax Wrench" "item_description" "+50% faster upgrade rate I still need to tinker with this here 'ol number Working or not - it's good for skull-crackin'!" "item_logname" "eureka_effect" "item_iconname" "eureka_effect" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_drg_wrenchmotron/c_drg_wrenchmotron" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_wrenchmotron.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_wrenchmotron_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "drg_manmelter_impact" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "1.8" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "metal_pickup_decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_metal_pickup" "value" "0.5" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--CHAINSAW TEST - 3387-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3387" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CHAINSAW" // BOY THIS IS A WEIRD ONE TOO "prefab" "weapon_minigun" // A Heavy Chainsaw is cool, but kinda odd to implement. Here, it's based on a Minigun "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Warsaw Fact" "item_type_name" "Chainsaw" "item_description" "This weapon has limited range Go ahead, keep running, coward! You cannot run from chainsaw forever!" "item_logname" "chainsaw" "item_iconname" "chainsaw" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_chainsaw" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_chainsaw.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_chainsaw_heavy_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "4" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.095" } "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.8" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.8" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.25" } "Projectile range decreased" // This is the main mechanic of the Chainsaw - this attribute somehow works on hitscan, so his effective range is shortened by a large amount! { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.0145" } // Backend stuff "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" // Surprisingly works. Increases your move speed while you're revved up { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "2.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Chainsaw.Rev" // This used to have a clip empty sound, but it makes no sense in this context! "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Chainsaw.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Chainsaw.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Chainsaw.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Chainsaw.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Chainsaw.Rev" "tracer_effect" "bullet_pistol_tracer01" // Mostly removes stray bullet tracers if they happen to appear } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.0.0 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--SCOUT HOLY MACKEREL - 3388-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3388" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HOLYMACKEREL" // Lmao, about time, huh? Give the humiliating weapon to Civ first but don't give it to the actual class it belongs to! Classic me. "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Holy Mackerel" "item_type_name" "Fresh-Wrapped Fish" "item_description" "Getting killed by a fish has got to be humiliating." "item_logname" "holymackerel" "item_iconname" "holymackerel_fishkill" // Texture edit SPECIFICALLY so it has the embarrassing FISH KILL! text. Fantastic. "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_holymackerel/c_holymackerel" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_holymackerel_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_holymackerel_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { // "mod rage damage boost" // Apt description, heh "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" // META GAMING MOMENT "value" "1.66" // About 25-70% crit-rate (+10, from 15-60) } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_HolyMackerel.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_HolyMackerel.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_gooey_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/hitsound_squasher.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--FIRE HOSE - 3389-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3389" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FIREHOSE" // Back from the dead! To old watchers, this is an old weapon of mine from the OG weapons pack, along with the Chainsaw. "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Spray n' Pray" "item_type_name" "Fire Hose" "item_description" "On hit: Gain a short Def. Buff! (1.5s) Contrary to popular belief, this weapon can neither heal, nor put out fires." // It does the exact opposite, in fact! "item_logname" "firehose" "item_iconname" "firehose" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_firehose" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_firehose_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_firehose_pyro.mdl" // This has some hacky and weird airblast animations "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" // With v2.3.5, wanted to adjust this crusty old thing AGAIN. I think I'm finally happy with it (for now). It's a kinda support flamer that's awful at actual murder, but good at keeping you alive { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "111 1.5" } "spunup_damage_resistance" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "1.35" } // "move speed bonus" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" // "value" "1.15" // } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "flame ammopersec increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_ammopersec" "value" "1.35" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FireHose.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireHose.FireLoop" "sound_special3" "Weapon_ChemThrower.WindDown" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FireHose.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- Former home of the Conscientious Objector. Moved it up next to the Crowbar and Frying Pan! //--EMPTY ENTRIES - 3390 ~ 3399 (Up to 3409!)--- Empty for now, might be useful for either a non-joke all-class weapon with stats, //---------------------------------------------- or, as some free space for Henchman multiclass weps (if I decide to give him any, dunno, seems moot) //---------------------------------------------- // Empty, for the time being! //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--MEDIC FAST BOOTS - 3410-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3410" // This is a wearable satchel for Medic that boosts his evasiveness, at the cost of his Syringe Gun. Hmm. Keep reading... { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_MEDBAG" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" // Hacky thing to force bots to look up while using?? No idea. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Speedy Recovery" "item_type_name" "Satchel" "item_description" "Primary Fire: Long-Jump! (8s cooldown) You are in danger while holding the satchel! Think fast, or die trying!" "item_logname" "medic_satchel" "item_iconname" "what" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/medic/short2014_medic_messenger_bag/short2014_medic_messenger_bag" // "model_world" "models/player/items/medic_messenger_bag.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_satchel_medic.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/medic_messenger_bag.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // This fires a rocket! Not much to say. "damage bonus hidden" "0.001" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "fire rate penalty hidden" "76" // You can jump again after about 10 seconds (a hair under it) | 142 = 15s, 95 = 10s, 76 = 8s "mod max primary clip override" "-1" // "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "0.01" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" // So you bugger off faster than before { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.25" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-8" } "single wep holster time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "3" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "2.5" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } // Backend stuff; most of this is copied from the Thermal Thruster "centerfire projectile" // Actually rEALLY important - otherwise rockets will send you slightly to the right when exploding { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "-1" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" // JUST small enough to avoid hitting enemies unless you're practically touching } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" // Rockets explode INSTANTLY - which is somewhere in front of your torso! } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" // Obviously necessary } "damage force increase hidden" // Negative propulsive force generally means this sends you in the direction you were looking! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "-1.75" } "strange restriction type 3" // Enough lift-off force on taking damage to get you off the ground, even if you use it from a standstill { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "205" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Scout.TripleJumpSFX" "sound_burst" "Scout.TripleJumpSFX" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Null" "sound_special1" "Building_JumpPad.Launch" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE" "ACT_MP_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_STAND_LOSERSTATE" // I just kinda like how the Loser anims look with this weapon "ACT_MP_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_SWIM_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_RUN_MELEE" "ACT_MP_RUN_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_END_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_END_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_MELEE" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_LOSERSTATE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--HEAVY AA12 - 3411--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3411" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AA12_REPEATER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" // So it ejects Shotgun shells and generally acts like a Shotgun. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Russian Repeater" "item_type_name" "Auto-Shotgun" "item_description" " 'I promise you, pain without end.'" "item_logname" "aa12_repeater" "item_iconname" "aa12_repeater" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_aa12_repeater" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_aa12_repeater.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_aa12_repeater_heavy.mdl" // It can't reload currently. "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/heavy_buckshot_ammobelt.mdl" // Suggested by Grunt on the discord! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "1.28" // Increases ammo capacity from 32 to 45 "class select override vcd" "taunt02" // Same deal as the HMG! } "attributes" { "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" // This is merging the hide-weapon trick with a display-only attribute! { "attribute_class" "mod max primary clip override" "value" "-1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.1" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.5" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-50" } // "maxammo secondary reduced" // Since this is a primary shotgun, but doesn't share the Shotgun's ammo pool, this "cuts into" the Shotgun's ammo a bit by decreasing it. // { // "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" // "value" "0.75" // } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_AA12_Repeater.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AA12_Repeater.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DEMO BOTTLE- 3412--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3412" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOTTLE_RUM" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" // Not super amazing, but I did want another Bottle-type item. "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Scottish Handshake" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bottle" "item_description" " How about another drink this time, eh?" "item_logname" "scotland_shard" "item_iconname" "scotland_shard" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_scotland_shard/c_scotland_shard" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_scotland_shard.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_scotland_shard_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "SET BONUS: chance of hunger decrease" "1.07" } "visuals" // This is for future reference! { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Bottle.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Bottle.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Bottle.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Bottle.Break" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.IntactHitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Bottle.IntactHitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.BrokenHitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Bottle.BrokenHitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--LEAD PIPE- 3413----- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3413" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEAD_PIPE" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Lead Pipe" // No special funny name, both because I can't think of one and because that's what this weapon tended to be called anyway! "item_type_name" "Lead Pipe" "item_description" " 'Your luck runs out.'" "item_logname" "leadpipe" "item_iconname" "leadpipe" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_leadpipe" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_leadpipe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_leadpipe_heavy.mdl" // There's actually an unused Lead Pipe v_model in-game, but it doesn't look very good. I expect it to get removed or replaced too, so I provided my own! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "airblast pushback scale" // Display only! { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "2.50" } "strange restriction type 1" // Copied from the FAN for funny knockback { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "235" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "150" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "dmg taken from bullets increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_bullets" "value" "1.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/leadpipe_recharge.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--GLOCK 17- 3414------ //---------------------- //---------------------- "3414" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GLOCK" // IS THAT (another) HALF LIFE REFERENCE!?!?!?!?!? "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Standard Issue" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " 'Hey knucklehead, you ain't gonna win.'" "item_logname" "glock" "item_iconname" "glock" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_glock" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_glock.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_glock_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.3" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "2.2454" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.55" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Glock.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Glock.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--RESERVE SHOOTER- 3415------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3415" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RESERVE_SHOOTER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Reserve Shooter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Only Soldiers and Eagles should be flying - and you look to be neither, son!" "item_logname" "reserve_shooter" "item_iconname" "reserve_shooter" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_reserve_shooter/c_reserve_shooter" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_reserve_shooter.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_reserve_shooter_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.80" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Reserve_Shooter.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Reserve_Shooter.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------- //---------------- //--UMP45 - 3416-- //---------------- //---------------- "3416" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_UMP45" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Deep Dive" // IS THAT A - okay I'll stop. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SMG" "item_description" " 'I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya!'" "item_logname" "ump45" "item_iconname" "ump45" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_ump45" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ump45.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ump45_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "clip size bonus" // 40 { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.6" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.6" } "damage penalty" // 9 { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.795" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_UMP45.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_UMP45.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--CIV FUNNI GUN - 3417-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3417" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_CIVILIAN_ALT" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Backup Plan" "item_type_name" "...Revolver?" "item_description" "Alt-Fire: Inflict an enemy with temporary Marked for Death (20s cooldown) If only you had learned how to shoot..." "item_logname" "snubnose_melee" "item_iconname" "snubnose_melee" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_snubnose_melee" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_snubnose_melee.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_snubnose_melee_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "civ boost cond override" "30 1" // This is an attribute new to 2.0.2 - you can override what kind of effects the Boost gives! "civ boost targets enemies" "1" // This also makes it target enemies, not allies! "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "fire rate bonus" "0.85" "damage penalty" "0.7" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- //--PYRO RESERVE SHOOTER- 3418------ //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- "3418" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RESERVE_SHOOTER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Reserve Shooter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" "" "item_logname" "reserve_shooter" "item_iconname" "reserve_shooter" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_reserve_shooter/c_reserve_shooter_pyro" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_reserve_shooter_pyro.mdl" // As of v2.2.5, Pyro has the teamcolored special RS back! "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_reserve_shooter_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.80" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Reserve_Shooter.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Reserve_Shooter.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--AXTINGUISHER -------- 3419-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3419" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AXTINGUISHER" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Axtinguisher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "item_description" " Armed to the teeth with wire barbs and rusty edges, flames won't be the only thing you'll be extinguishing." "item_logname" "axtinguisher" "item_iconname" "axtinguisher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_axtinguisher/c_axtinguisher_pyro" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_axtinguisher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_axtinguisher_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "decapitate type" "1" // IDK, I think it's thematically appropriate! } "attributes" { "crit vs burning players" // Decided it'd be better if I just returned the old functions to the Axtinguisher since I always could... { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6955" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.35" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--SCATTERGUN TEST - 3420-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3420" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BFB_SCATTERGUN" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Baby-Face's Blaster" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "item_description" "On hit: Gain a huge Speed-Boost that lasts until you switch weapons! Ey, good luck chasing after 'dese handsome afterimages, pal!" "item_logname" "pep_brawlerblaster" "item_iconname" "pep_brawlerblaster" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_pep_scattergun/c_pep_scattergun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pep_scattergun.mdl" // This would be the first place I used a technique that went on to fix a few more weapons - procedural bones! It's sorcery honestly!! "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pep_scattergun_scout.mdl" // I just manually animated the cover moving for the v_model "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" // Just enough to proc it once, then the games are on! "value" "49 0.5" // Enough time to switch ONCE to another weapon of your choice } "speed boost when active" // Display only! Also technically it's only 40% but shh { "attribute_class" "mult_torso_scale" "value" "1.5" } // "move speed penalty" // Scout spends very little time not boosted, and it goes away when switching weapons, so might as well not bother! // { // "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" // "value" "0.90" // } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } "max health additive penalty" // Fast as he may be, he can and WILL die to any gust of wind { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-25" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Brawler_Blaster.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Brawler_Blaster.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--SBL TEST - 3421-- //------------------- //------------------- "3421" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_QUICKIEBOMB_LAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Quickiebomb Launcher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PipeBombLauncher" "item_description" " 'If you were huntin' trouble, lad, ya found it!'" "item_logname" "quickiebomb_launcher" "item_iconname" "quickiebomb_launcher_v2" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_kingmaker_sticky/c_kingmaker_sticky" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_kingmaker_sticky.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_kingmaker_sticky_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.67" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.75" } "stickybomb charge rate" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0.3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "max pipebombs decreased" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-4" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_kingmaker_stickybomb.mdl" // Technically this stickybomb does have gibs, but something about precaching makes them not appear. Weird... } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_AirBurster.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AirBurster.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_AirBurster.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--EQUALIZER - 3422-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3422" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EQUALIZER" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Equalizer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "item_description" " To the victor go the spoils, and I do not know how to lose!" "item_logname" "unique_pickaxe" "item_iconname" "pickaxe" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_pickaxe/c_pickaxe" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pickaxe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pickaxe_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // So you don't run at hyper speed all the time! { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.25" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.1" } "max health additive penalty" // a HUGE hit, but it makes you play in that dangerous health range again { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-135" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_PickAxe.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_PickAxe.HitFlesh" "sound_burst" "Weapon_PickAxe.SwingCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.1.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //------------------------- //------------------------- //--REVOLVER RIFLE - 3423-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3423" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_RIFLE" // An old friend! Old viewers might remember this as one of the old weapons prominently shown off in my old weapons pack videos from 2015! "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Walkabout" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "item_description" " 'Let's have a go, ya mug!'" "item_logname" "revolver_rifle" "item_iconname" "revolver_rifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_revolver_rifle" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_revolver_rifle_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_revolver_rifle_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" } "attributes" // The stats here are kinda weird, for now - might be liable to change if they ever tweak or separate out the "no scope" attrib into several! { "no scope" // 360 { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.35" } "aiming movespeed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.75" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "sniper no dmg charge DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_no_dmg_charge" "value" "1" } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RevolverRifle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RevolverRifle.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_HuntingRifle.WorldReload" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--CLOAK & DAGGER TEST - 3424-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3424" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEATHER_WATCH" // This is a weird, experimental one! I'm sure you're all used to it already, but this doesn't behave exactly like the one in Live TF2... "prefab" "weapon_invis" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Cloak and Dagger" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Watch" "item_description" "This item cloaks and decloaks slowly Ah, the lost art of hiding right in plain sight." "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_leather_watch/parts/c_leather_watch" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_watch_leather_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "0" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { // "set cloak is movement based" // Probably better to leave this text disabled for now! "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "2" } "mult cloak meter regen rate" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate" "value" "2" } "cloak consume rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "0" } "lose cloak on damage" { "attribute_class" "lose_cloak_on_damage" "value" "20" } // Backend stuff "move speed penalty" // Has a bit of back-end to make the text appear right! This lowers movement speed while cloaked - opposite of the Tactical Retreat. { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" "value" "0.85" } "mult decloak rate" { "attribute_class" "mult_decloak_rate" "value" "1.25" } "strange restriction type 1" // The usual stuff here { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_rate" "value" "0.35" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_watch_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_watch_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--ENGI REVOLVER 2 - 3425-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3425" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_ENGI" // Another returning friend! It's the original Engi Revolver from my old videos, as old viewers might also remember. "prefab" "weapon_pistol" // Think of it like Hoxton in PD2 though. It's back, but it's changed since something took its place! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Ol' Sheriff" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" "Quickdraw duel with ricocheting bullets! If your definition of 'bullet' is loose, anyway This fort ain't big enough fer the two of us." "item_logname" "revolver_quickdraw" "item_iconname" "revolver_quickdraw" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_revolver_quickdraw" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_revolver_quickdraw.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_revolver_quickdraw_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // There's some weird backend here, because the stats are relative to a Revolver... but this is a Pistol!? I'm bad at math so I apologize. { "override projectile type" "32" "damage bonus hidden" "1.65" // 2.66 -> 2.0 (-50% damage penalty?) | And, for ricochetgun, bump that to 3.0 (for the same damage) "clip size penalty hidden" "0.3" // 0.5 -> 0.3 (-25% clip size?) "fire rate penalty hidden" "1.55" // 3.4 -> 1.55 (+200% fire rate?) "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.18" } "attributes" // A bunch of weird display-only crap mixed with actual normal attributes! Argh! { "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.6" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_user_type_1" "value" "0.45" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_user_type_3" "value" "0.4" // Was 0.75 for 45 dmg } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_user_type_2" "value" "0.6" } // Backend stuff "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "3" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_EngiRevolver_ALT.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EngiRevolver_ALT.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Revolver.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" // Coilgun reload looks closer to the action of reloading a Revolver! // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--NAILGUN TEST - 3426-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3426" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_NAILGUN_METAL" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" // Defined manually so Scout doesn't have it! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Pneumatic Pulverizer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_NailGun" "item_description" "Clip-Size: 25 Nails Convenience and lethality at its finest!" // Have to put it here, since no clip is rendered if your ammo is metal. "item_logname" "nailgun_metal" "item_iconname" "nailgun_metal" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_necrotic_nailgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_necrotic_nailgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_necrotic_nailgun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" "clip size penalty hidden" "2" "fire rate bonus" "0.9" "damage penalty" "0.7" } "attributes" { "mod use metal ammo type" // This attribute is a little weird. { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "mod ammo per shot" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "1.6" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--HEAVY WEARABLE - 3427-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3427" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BANDOLIER" // Still unsure, might entirely refactor this later if and when they add new attribs that can act passively "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "equip_region" "bullets" // Completely obsolete even if it did work! "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Arms-Deal Armament" "item_type_name" "Bandolier" "item_description" " Replaces your Minigun You are unable to use a Primary Weapon while this item is equipped" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/heavy/jul13_bagdolier/jul13_bagdolier" "model_player" "models/player/items/heavy_bagdolier_ammobelt.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/heavy_bagdolier_ammobelt.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt03" // This would work in theory, but he just stands still anyway if his Primary is replaced. } "attributes" { "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "6" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "2" } "maxammo grenades1 increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "2" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-50" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--RAILGUN TEST FIX - 3428-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3428" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RAILGUN_DM" // Yet another OF Weapon! They make good weapon material tbf. "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" // The internals for the Railgun are kinda strange, I might need to refactor it in a future update? "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Super Railgun" "item_type_name" "Railgun" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage falloff Some ol' Texan engineering here and some plasma there, goes a mighty long ways." "item_logname" "railgun_dm" "item_iconname" "railgun_dm" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_railgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_railgun.mdl" // The viewmodel and worldmodel have some weird clipping problems, but there isn't a lot I can do about it sadly.. "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_railgun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "32" // Coilgun laser! "mod max primary clip override" "-1" "damage bonus hidden" "13.35" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "0.785" "ragdolls become ash" "1" } "attributes" // The stats here are kinda weird, for now { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2.7" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "2.75" } "sniper no charge" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" "value" "1" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.35" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "1.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RailgunDM.Single" // This actually caused some weird issues for a few moments - the Coilgun's sounds already go by Weapon_Railgun! "sound_burst" "Weapon_RailgunDM.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RailgunDM.Charge" // Since it's a Sniper Rifle, it doesn't seem to play World Reload sounds... "sound_special1" "Weapon_CowMangler.Explode" // If we decide we want the lasers to blow up, might be neat? } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--QUAKE GL TEST - 3429-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3429" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ORIGINAL_GL" // This weapon is like, a mishmash of a lot of completely different elements - like a frankenstein's monster of Quake "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "primary" // Weird choice... but it's the anim set that best matches this weirdly shaped weapon! "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Trailblazer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_description" "Grenades are fired from the center of the screen T'is like music to the ears." "item_logname" "quake_gl" "item_iconname" "quake_gl" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bet_grenadelauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bet_grenadelauncher.mdl" // The model for this GL was scuffed as hell! I had to spend a while manually fixing the smoothing... "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bet_grenadelauncher_demo.mdl" //('Smoothing' is basically what seperates your curved surfaces from hard edges. Imagine a table with no edges at all - that's what this Grenade Launcher was like!) "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "-5 0 -5" "class select override vcd" "taunt01" } "attributes" { "centerfire projectile" { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bet_grenadelauncher_grenade.mdl" // THE BOUNCE SOUNDS ARE HERE! They make use of some otherwise unused sound entries, so it might break in the future. } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_QuakeGL.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_QuakeGL.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Explode" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY_END" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/quake_ammo_pickup_remastered.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/quake_rpg_reload_remastered.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--BLEED TRANQ - 3430-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3430" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DARTGUN_WOOD" // This was suggested by a (not-involved-in-this-community) friend, and I liked it enough to give it a go. "prefab" "weapon_tranq" // It's a Tranq that inflicts bleed! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Saboteur" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Tranq" "item_description" " So long as they do not bleed on my suit - this should go quite smoothly." "item_logname" "dartgun_wood" "item_iconname" "dartgun_wood" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_dartgun_wood" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dartgun_wood.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dartgun_wood_spy.mdl" // The viewmodel was a bit iffy - I think it was animated for its own animations separate from the retail Tranq anims "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "5" // Might need tweaking! } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.75" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dart_wood.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DartgunWood.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DartgunWood.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--HEAL BONESAW - 3431-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3431" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BATTLENEEDLE" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Vita-Saw" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Syringe" "item_description" " 'Hold still, schweinhund, this will only sting for a moment.'" "item_logname" "battleneedle" "item_iconname" "battleneedle_color" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_uberneedle/c_uberneedle" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_uberneedle.mdl" // I had to remove the dynamically moving uber-fluid - both because this wep doesn't use it, and also because it was nightmarish to make a v_model for! "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_uberneedle_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "75" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6955" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-15" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_UberSaw.HitFlesh" "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolinUber" // Appears to be leftover - nothing uses it by default! } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--ALLCLASS SHOTGUN- 3432 - 3435-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3432" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRENCHGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Panic Attack" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Each of these bullets has a tiny boot - addressed to be mailed right to your ass!" "item_logname" "panic_attack" "item_iconname" "panic_attack_noballs" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchgun/c_trenchgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_trenchgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_trenchgun_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.5" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "3433" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRENCHGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Panic Attack" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" "" "item_logname" "panic_attack" "item_iconname" "panic_attack_noballs" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchgun/c_trenchgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_trenchgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_trenchgun_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.5" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "3434" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRENCHGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Panic Attack" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Try to outsmart bullet. I dare you." "item_logname" "panic_attack" "item_iconname" "panic_attack_noballs" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchgun/c_trenchgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_trenchgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_trenchgun_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.5" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "3435" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRENCHGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Panic Attack" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Somebody's gonna meet their maker today - and the odds ain't lookin' up for you, son." "item_logname" "panic_attack" "item_iconname" "panic_attack_noballs" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchgun/c_trenchgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_trenchgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_trenchgun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.5" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--HEAVY SHOTGUN 2 - 3436-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3436" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MOB_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Soviet Silencer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Baby would do well to shut up, before gun makes you shut up, Да?" "item_logname" "mob_shotgun" "item_iconname" "mob_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mob_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mob_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mob_shotgun_heavy.mdl" // The port and bolt already are rigged to move back by the OG creator - and they look great! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.35" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.6" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.45" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MobShotgun.Single" // This gun came packed with some custom sounds, but I found they were kinda iffy, so I opted to find some other sounds to use... "sound_burst" "Weapon_MobShotgun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--RPG TEST - 3437 -- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3437" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RPG_HL1" // It was hard coming up with good ideas for a new rocket launcher, might refactor this as we get more attribs! "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Red Glare" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" "Knock enemies far away with your rockets! This is my point - and I do not remember giving you permission to stand on my point. Here, let me make myself clear!" "item_logname" "rpg_tracker" "item_iconname" "rpg_tracker" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_rpg_tracker" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rpg_tracker.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rpg_tracker_soldier.mdl" // Uses the RPG animations, just since I wanted to. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v3" } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.5" } "airblast pushback scale" // Display only! { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "3.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.55" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_libertylauncher.mdl" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" // Copied from the FAN for funny knockback "value" "245" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "145" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.9" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPGTracker.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPGTracker.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_BetaRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--EXPLOSIVE SSG TEST - 3438-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3438" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EXPLOSIVE_SSG" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" // Another weapon like the AA12! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Close Encounter" "item_type_name" "Double-Barrel Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon has limited range These two barrels are named U.S. and A! Better learn them real fast, creampuff." "item_logname" "dm_ssg" "item_iconname" "dm_ssg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_supershotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_supershotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_supershotgun_soldier.mdl" // The reload animation is a little jank, like the FAN but weirder "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" "damage bonus hidden" "1.675" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "0.75" "reload time increased hidden" "2.8666" "min_viewmodel_offset" "7 -6 -5" // IS THAT A DOOM 2 REFERENCE???!?!?!?!?? } "attributes" { "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" // The main crux! However, blast jumping is a little strange with this weapon.. "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6" } "reflected_flame_dmg_reduction" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "3" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.4" } "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.15" } // "maxammo secondary reduced" // Since this is a primary shotgun, but doesn't share the Shotgun's ammo pool, this "cuts into" the Shotgun's ammo a bit by decreasing it. // { // "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" // "value" "0.75" // } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } // Backend stuff "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.2" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.65" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.75" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" // Since it happens often "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Null" // Test, might remove if people don't like it "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" // BEEFY fire animations! "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--FUNNY KNIFE II - 3439-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3439" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EOSD_KNIFE" // IS THAT A - "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Scarlet Rose" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_description" " You must think fast, and kill faster, if you've any chance of surviving." "item_logname" "eosd_knife" "item_iconname" "eosd_knife" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_eosd_knife" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_eosd_knife.mdl" // I hate when models don't have smoothing "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_eosd_knife_spy.mdl" // Like with the Eternal Reward, this has bloodied skins! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Oh my god why does this escape { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "8" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "15" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.35" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_EOSDKnife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Knife.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Knife.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EOSDKnife.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--LEVERRIFLE TEST II- 3440-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3440" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEVER_RIFLE" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Lever Rifle" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "item_description" "-50% bullets per shot Old, reliable, and real good at killin' a buncha dopes - what else could ya want?" "item_logname" "leverrifle" "item_iconname" "leverrifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_leverrifle" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_leverrifle.mdl" // This gun is apparently a mish-mash of 4 entirely separate Shotguns / Scatterguns, but yet somehow looks distinct from all of them?? "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_leverrifle_scout.mdl" // For reference: Lever Rifle, V_Shotgun, Baby-Face's Blaster, Frontier Justice "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.1" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.9" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.25" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LeverRifle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LeverRifle.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SNIPER MELEE- 3441-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3441" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROC_KNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Bushwacka" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Club" "item_description" " 'Now this, is a knife'" "item_logname" "bushwacka" "item_iconname" "bushwacka" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_croc_knife/c_croc_knife" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_croc_knife.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_croc_knife_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } // "minicrits become crits" // { // "attribute_class" "minicrits_become_crits" // "value" "1" // } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //-ENERGY DRINK TEST - 3442-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3442" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ENERGY_DRINK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_lunchbox" // Technically a Sandvich, with a bunch of complex functions handled off-house by taunts.txt "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" // "propername" "1" // One of the sole exceptions o the "non-stocks have a proper name" rule - only because "The Bonk! Atomic Punch" makes 0 sense "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Bonk! Atomic Punch" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" "Drink to gain up to 65 health Item does not grant invulnerability on consumption Not. Enough. Caffiene." "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_energy_drink/c_energy_drink" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_energy_drink.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_energy_drink_scout.mdl" // Has a "bite" bodygroup only to get the game to shut up about it - it's identical to the normal model. "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/scout_bonkcooler.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "item_meter_charge_type" "1" "item_meter_charge_rate" "20" // This -should- reduce the cooldown time, but ends up doing nothing... "meter_label" "#TF_EnergyDrink" "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -5" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for slowfire" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" // Display only! "value" "65" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_energy_drink.mdl" // I don't think this works. } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_soda_can_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_soda_can_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.2.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //----------------------- //----------------------- //--SPY TRAP PDA - 3443-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //----------------------- //----------------------- "3443" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRAP_CONC" // THIS IS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! Due to a technical bug on TF2C's end, I can't implement this or anything similar to this, "item_class" "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher" // and be HAPPY about it, unless they refactor how items in the same "internal slot" conflict. And it's unlikely they will! But, still... "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" // "item_slot" "building" // Spy (and other classes that use off-class weps for the matter) has this issue with item slots. "anim_slot" "building" // Without going too in-depth, because of how scuffed his Revolver's slots are, it disallows me using ANY weapon over his Sapper... "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" // "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Trap: Concussive Tripmine" "item_type_name" "Proximity Mine" // For the record, by the way, this specific setup seems only possible on the SBL - no other weapon has ALL the functions needed, not even the MIRV "item_description" "Can deploy up to 3 traps at a time Enemies caught in the blast are concussed! Tripmines also provide weak knockback Use them to get to a ledge in a pinch! (Sapper only usable via. Console Command)" // Annoyingly, blocks Sapper usage at all unless you type "build 3 0" into your dev console, or bind it to a key... "item_logname" "tripmine" "item_iconname" "tripmine" // Doesn't usually display, but might be useful if I want it to fuck up buildings at some point...? "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_tripmine" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tripmine.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tripmine_spy.mdl" // Toss animation is recycled from the PASS-TIME Jack "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" "damage bonus hidden" "0.001" // Just enough for the game to proc debuffs - this does no functional damage even with crits "fire rate penalty hidden" "2.5" // So you don't get to spam these. It's like a hair under 2s or so between throws. "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.35" // 8 Tripmines to work with, total. 2-ish batches ignoring ammo refills at any point "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -4" } "attributes" { "proximity mines" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_is_proxy" "value" "1" } "view punch on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_viewpunch_onhit" "value" "1" // This doesn't scale - it's either on or it's not. } "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "3.5" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tripmine_projectile.mdl" } // Backend stuff. This needs a lot more hiding than usual... "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_fizzles" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-5" } "strange restriction type 3" { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "2" } "strange restriction type 1" // Returns ability to throw while disguised { "attribute_class" "set_keep_disguise" "value" "1" } "halloween reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" // Might be an interesting fold - you tell me how this goes! } "hand scale" // So you can do SOMETHING against buildings. Averages 40-55 damage, also viewpunches YOU which sucks { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "425" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_TripMine.Explode" // Recycled from CM5K's unused sounds "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING" // Sapper Placement anim "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_nvg_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--M249 SAW - 3444-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------- //------------------- "3444" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LMG" // This weapon went through a lot of growing pains, and it still needs work. But, here it is for now! "item_class" "tf_weapon_smg" // The idea is to eventually have it push you backwards midair a-la the M249 from Opposing Force. Obviously, not quite possible yet, but soon... "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Screaming Eagle" "item_type_name" "Machine Gun" "item_description" " 'Last one alive, lock the door!'" "item_logname" "lmg" "item_iconname" "lmg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_lmg" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lmg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lmg_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" "damage bonus hidden" "1.25" } "attributes" { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.345" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.65" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "3.5" } // "apply self knockback" // If this works, this pushes you veeery slightly back with each shot. It's not enough to fly, but it can modify your jumps if you shoot backward or down! // { // "attribute_class" "apply_self_knockback" // "value" "35" // } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LMG.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LMG.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_LMG.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--MARKET GARDENER TEST - 3445-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "3445" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MARKET_GARDENER" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Market Gardener" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shovel" "item_description" "+15% higher base critical hit rate On hit: You get Marked for Death briefly! Boots on the ground won't cut it, soldier. Blast off, and give 'em hell!" "item_logname" "market_gardener" "item_iconname" "market_gardener" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_market_gardener/c_market_gardener" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_market_gardener.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_market_gardener_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } // "mod crit airborne" // { // "attribute_class" "crit_airborne" // "value" "1" // } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" // To encourage Soldiers to RJ into range instead of walking (it's still possible but literally ANYBODY can outrun you) "value" "0.65" // That said, though, it still crits while you're grounded, so it's mostly just making it not as appealing to just run up to enemies and thwack } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "2" // About 30-75% crit-rate (+15, from 15-60) } "add condition on hit" // To discourage Soldier from just hitting multiple people in a short period { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "48 1.5" } // "crit mod disabled" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" // "value" "0" // } "allowed in medieval mode" // I don't think this does anything... { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--CLOAK KNIFE - 3446-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //---------------------- //---------------------- "3446" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Big Earner" "item_type_name" "Switchblade" "item_description" "On hit enemy: Become Stealthed! You can still attack for a few seconds before uncloaking quickly Suitable for those cut-and-run kind of jobs." "item_logname" "big_earner" "item_iconname" "big_earner" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_switchblade/c_switchblade" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_switchblade.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_switchblade_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add cloak on kill" // DISPLAY ONLY!! { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" // "add_cloak_on_kill" "value" "100" // "30" } "add condition on hit" // Stealthed! 2.5s to stab again, else he starts to uncloak (that itself takes about 5s) { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "64 3" } "mult decloak rate" { "attribute_class" "mult_decloak_rate" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-25" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.8" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--MAKESHIFT - 3447-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3447" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CHEMTHROWER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Makeshift Mutilator" "item_type_name" "Chemical Thrower" "item_description" " Spray a lethal cocktail of chemicals over your soon-to-be past-enemies!" "item_logname" "chemthrower" "item_iconname" "chemthrower" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_chemthrower" // Internal name: "Chemthrower" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_chemthrower.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_chemthrower_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" // With v2.3.5, I totally upended this from its TF2C B4 stats to, this? Kinda a flamer that you have to pay more attention to, to use it. Also, airblast is back! { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.25" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoop" "sound_special3" "Weapon_ChemThrower.WindDown" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--NEON ANNIHILATOR - 3448-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3448" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_NEON_SIGN" // As of v2.2.5, this is just here so I don't have it unlisted on the Powerjack (the crits vs. wet players, I mean!) "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "item_class" "tf_weapon_bottle" // Has a break bodygroup, just like the bottle! Unlike the bottle, though, this ONLY crits against wet players, so it'll only happen then. "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Neon Annihilator" "item_type_name" "Broken Signpost" "item_description" " Their first mistake, was thinking they were safe from you underwater." "item_logname" "annihilator" "item_iconname" "annihilator" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_sd_neonsign/c_sd_neonsign" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sd_neonsign.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sd_neonsign_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "nutsnbolts_build" // This is actually bugged right now, bottles aren't affected at all by this } "attributes" { "crit vs wet players" { "attribute_class" "crit_vs_wet_players" "value" "1" } "damage applies to sappers" // This doesn't actually work, BUT, since we set the weapon to be a Wrench, now it does. { "attribute_class" "set_dmg_apply_to_sapper" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" // The dmg vs. players attribute doesn't actually work, so this is a basic workaround to get it to behave the same! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" // Unlike the Homewrecker, the Neon Annihilator is rarely actually used around buildings, so this time it can't repair at all! { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Neon_Sign.ImpactFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Neon_Sign.ImpactWorld" "sound_special1" "Neon_Sign.Break" "sound_single_shot" "Neon_Sign.ImpactFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Neon_Sign.ImpactWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Neon_Sign.ImpactFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Neon_Sign.ImpactWorld" "sound_taunt" "Taunt.PyroAnnihilator" // Pretty sure this doesn't work, but oh well! } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--FLECHETTE GUN - 3449-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------ //------------------------ "3449" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FLECHETTE_GUN" // This one's been in figurative development hell for a while... "item_class" "tf_weapon_smg" // NOTE: THIS DEV. VERSION SHOOTS -BULLETS-. This is only to visualize how many projectiles I want it to fire. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Flechette Launcher" "item_type_name" "Flechette Launcher" "item_description" "Launches explosive Flechettes that automatically detonate after 2 seconds Explosions deal very little knockback" "item_logname" "flechettegun" "item_iconname" "flechettegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_flechettegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tommysticky.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tommysticky_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" // Tranq Dart. This is MANDATORY!! For intended behavior, imagine this but it shoots like 4 projectiles-ish "damage bonus hidden" "2.25" // 18 dmg max? w/ falloff for distance from explosion splash (this is also how much it does on a direct hit) "fire rate penalty hidden" "1.3" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.47" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.65" "reload time increased hidden" "1.65" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "attributes" { "rocket limited lifetime" // This... is weird. Apparently it works on Tranq Darts too? They explode if they're midair or stuck to walls (but not to players) { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "2" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "blast radius increased" // Makes it a bit more generous with blast radius. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "5.5" } "Projectile speed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.45" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mp40_proj.mdl" // Reusing this here since it's unused anyway! } // Backend stuff // "torso scale" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" // Related to another variant of the FL, might revisit later // "value" "3" // } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 3" // Enough lift-off force on taking damage to get you off the ground, even if you use it from a standstill { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "200" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FlechetteGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FlechetteGun.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FlechetteGun.Explode" "sound_reload" "Weapon_TommyGun.WorldReload" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--MEDIC SHOTGUN - 3450-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------ //------------------------ "3450" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGE_SHOT" // NOTE: THIS DEV. VERSION SHOOTS -BULLETS-. This is only to visualize how many projectiles I want it to fire. "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" // It will NOT, I repeat NOT shoot bullets under any circumstance in the final version. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Hippocratic Suggestion" "item_type_name" "...Shotgun?" "item_description" "Lasers are affected by gravity This weapon has no damage falloff It's never a bad time for some impromptu laser-skull emergency surgery, ja? (No Syringe Buckshot included... for now)" "item_logname" "syringe_shot" "item_iconname" "syringe_shot" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_syringe_shot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_syringe_shot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_syringe_shot_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { // Syringe Vers // "override projectile type" "5" // Syringes! This is MANDATORY!! For intended behavior, imagine this but it shoots like 6 projectiles-ish // Laser Vers "override projectile type" "32" // Coilgun lasers! Again. "damage bonus hidden" "8.25" // Does 50 damage! It's not as much as a regular shotgun, but since Med only needs to hit 1 thing w/ no falloff, doesnt need to be! } "attributes" { "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2.5" } // "clip size penalty" // Would be better with multiple pellets / projectiles, but you spend so much time reloading it hurts // { // "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" // "value" "0.67" // } "damage penalty" // Display only, since a normal shotgun shot point-blank does 90 { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.55" } "maxammo primary reduced" // Less disposable ammo to use { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.75" } // Laser vers "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" // Ideally, it shoots 5-6 syringes per shot, if all hit they do normal shotty damage (90) "value" "0.1" // For now, shoot one bigboi laser } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.15" // Low but not absent spread } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SyringeShot.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SyringeShot.SingleCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--GOLF CLUB- 3451------ //----------------------- //----------------------- "3451" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GOLF_CLUB" // The Nessie's Nine-Iron from Live, except with meme stats this time! "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Nessie's Nine-Iron" "item_type_name" "Golf Club" "item_description" "Whack your enemies all the way back to the Scottish Highlands! I don't need yer bloody 'depth perception' for some afternoon golf, I'll have ya know!" "item_logname" "nessieclub" "item_iconname" "nessieclub" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_golfclub/c_golfclub" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_golfclub.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_golfclub_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" // I have absolutely no bloody idea what this attribute does. "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" { "airblast pushback scale" // Display only! { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "3.50" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" // Effectively restores the Force-a-Nature's old functions! A bit janky but eh. "value" "275" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "250" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-25" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_GolfClub.Hit" // NICE SHOT ! ! "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_GolfClub.HitSpecial" // This weapon has "special" hitsounds that play every so often (1/16 chance), but since it's using the Bottle, it can do it guaranteed once w/ a crit "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GolfClub.Hit" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_GolfClub.Hit" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" // TO-DO: Add a soft golf-ball swing effect to this pickup noise! "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SCOUT SMG TEST - 3452-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3452" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_COMBATSMG" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "item_class" "tf_weapon_smg" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "ITEM2" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Miami Heat" // This is actually a returning weapon! When I was making the OF Map Ports - I was toying with the idea of having each map filled with all of the OF weapons, remade. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SMG" // As you can imagine, that didn't pan out, so I ended up binning that save for a few returning ones - this one just being the most recent. "item_description" " 'Happiness is a warm gun.'" "item_logname" "combat_smg" "item_iconname" "combat_smg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_smg_dm" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_smg_dm.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_smg_dm.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" // "sniper" "1" // Sorry, Paint. "mercenary" "1" } "static_attrs" // Sorta resembles OF's stats for this weapon - before its removal, anyway! { "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.94" // 0.93 for 2 clips reserve, 1.4 for 3 clips reserve (3 & 4 total respectively) "damage bonus hidden" "1.25" "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.8" "reload time increased hidden" "1.46" } "attributes" { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1.4" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_2" "value" "0.15" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_3" "value" "1.5" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "3.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SMG_DM.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SMG_DM.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SMG.WorldReload" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--SLAPPERS -------- 3453--- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3453" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SLAPPERS" // The Hot Hand from Live, with a healthy dash of flavoring from the Slappers GMod addon. My beloved. "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" // Normal dmg, but you can swing with M1 and M2! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Hot Hand" "item_type_name" "Glove" "item_description" "Getting slapped to death has got to be humiliating." "item_logname" "hot_hand" "item_iconname" "hot_hand" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_slapping_glove/w_slapping_glove" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_slappers_pyro.mdl" // This has a bodygroup to toggle the glove off, but it probably wont come into play much huh? "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_slappers.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { // "airblast pushback scale" // Display only! // { // "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" // "value" "2.00" // } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "235" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "100" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Slap.HandHit" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_rubber_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SUPER NAILGUN - 3454-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3454" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SUPERNAILGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Super Nailgun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "item_description" " Unleash a maelstrom of nails into your enemies!" "item_logname" "supernailgun" "item_iconname" "supernailgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_supernailgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_supernailgun_temp.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_supernailgun_heavy_temp.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "29" "damage bonus hidden" "1.5" // 21 per nail - but nail falloff is way better than normal bullets. Effect on balance unclear... } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.55" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" // To offset the ammo it chews through faster "value" "1.25" } "minigun spinup time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.35" } "minigun spindown time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.2" } // Backend stuff "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" // This doesn't actually do anything - it just represents how it's harder to actually land hits on enemies "value" "1.5" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" // Doesn't work but might eventually - will rebalance once it does "value" "3" // 4 nails per shot - this WOULD return it to similar to base Minigun behavior if it worked } } "visuals" // This is where the fun begins. { "sound_empty" "Weapon_SuperNailGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_SuperNailGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperNailGun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_SuperNailGun.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_SuperNailGun.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_SuperNailGun.Spin" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--MARKET GARDENER DEMO - 3455-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "3455" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CABER" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Ullapool Caber" "item_type_name" "...Hand Grenade?" "item_description" "100% critical hit vs aiming players High-yield Scottish face removal. A sober person would throw it..." "item_logname" "ullapool_caber" "item_iconname" "ullapool_caber" // This has an alternate ver called 'ullapool_caber_explosion' "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_caber/c_caber" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_caber.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_caber_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "coilgun_boom_red" // Doesn't work??? } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6454" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "6" // Bitflags! These add up to... crits vs. Aiming(2) and Zoomed(4) players. It might also affect Heavies but I dont know. } // "strange restriction type 2" // This SEEMS to cause crashes like the attrib listing said it would - I believe if two Demomen with the Caber hit eachother, the game dies... // { // "attribute_class" "explode_on_damage" // "value" "45" // SHOULD be that you explode if you take 45+ dmg - need to test // } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_AirBurster.Explode" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Fireaxe.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Fireaxe.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--MINI BUILDINGS PDA - 3456- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3456" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MINIDEPLOY_PDA" // Loosely inspired by something in KOCW, but may be more or less balanced - will have to see! "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Rush Order" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" "Dispenser generates ammo + metal slowly -70% max building health Deploy fast-building yet fragile buildings! You are unable to upgrade with the Wrench" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mini_pda" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mini_pda.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mini_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { // Sentry "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" "2.5" // Dispenser "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" "2.5" // Teleporter "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" "2.5" // General "building cost reduction" "0.8" // The numbers here aren't perfect, but I can't fine-tune it to all buildings, and the next closest I found with acceptable numbers is... 50% building cost. Which is too much "sentry shoots projectile" "1" } "attributes" { "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dispenser_rate" // Dispensers give significantly less ammo and generate less metal per tick of those "value" "0.5" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_engy_building_health" // Sentry and Dispenser have 100 health "value" "0.67" } "voice pitch scale" // Note; It's still possible to upgrade the buildings, you just need either the Rescue Ranger or another Engineer { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" // Even so... at max, the buildings have 144 health, so they get trampled by ANY resistance "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--DISPENSERIZER - 3457-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3457" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DISPENSERIZER" // Not even a joke, this weapon came to me in a fit of divine inspiration while half asleep "item_class" "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher" // NOTE: I would move this to PRIMARY if I could - but doing so causes really weird behavior so bleh. Actually, same deal as the Conc. Tripmine "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Dispenserizer" "item_type_name" "Building Launcher" "item_description" " Launch an explosive Mini-Dispenser that can be detonated at will!" "item_logname" "dispenserizer" "item_iconname" "dispenserizer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_dispenserizer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dispenserizer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dispenserizer_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" // "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.23" // 5 minis to work with - hopefully to encourage more strategic placement or usage "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.25" // VERY slow fire speed; even with best usage, you have to wait until the other dispenser blows up before firing another "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" } "attributes" { "proximity mines" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_is_proxy" "value" "1" } "stickybomb charge rate" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0.2" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6" // Does less damage so Engi isnt stomping with a SECONDARY } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/mini_dispenser_projectile.mdl" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" // He can do 1-2 jumps on average, each takes out like 1/3rd or 1/2 of his health "value" "0.5" } "damage force increase hidden" // Jump Height decrease - Engi gets a sticky jump essentially so don't let him abuse it relentlessly { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.55" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Dispenserizer.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Dispenserizer.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Dispenserizer.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--SNIPER DM CROSSBOW - 3458-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3458" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_CROSSBOW" // In name only, I'm sure it's nowhere as functional as the real deal or even as cool feelin "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Bushman's Ballista" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crossbow" "item_description" "Fires explosive crossbow bolts Fancy yourself a blast-fisher, mate? Here, lemme show ya how it's done!" "item_logname" "dm_crossbow" "item_iconname" "dm_crossbow" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_dm_crossbow" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dm_crossbow.mdl" // To be honest, almost EVERY crossbow model for Sniper has reloading logistical problems - this is no exception "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dm_crossbow_sniper.mdl" // I honestly got fed up with it and just cobbled together this - I hope it gives the impression he just throws the gun away like Reaper "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" "override projectile type" "30" "reload time increased hidden" "1.35" "Projectile speed increased hidden" "1.45" // It's actually not too shabby at hitting people } "attributes" { "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" // Might adjust, it explodes pretty far away but Sniper can snipe much further... "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.65" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.3" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.75" } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" // No blast jumping here, just damage! "value" "0.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_leech_proj.mdl" } // Backend stuff "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.05" // 17 reserve so it's as if you had to load a few in first } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DMCrossbowSniper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DMCrossbowSniper.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Sniper.AngryGrumbles" // yeah same "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--SCOUT MELEE TEST - 3459----- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3459" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOGUN_WARFAN" // I just felt like adding some Live TF2 weapons for fun, so let's start with this! "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Fan o' War" "item_type_name" "Gunbai" "item_description" "Mark multiple opponents for death! (5s each) 'Oh, what, you gonna cry? You gonna cry, now?'" "item_logname" "warfan" "item_iconname" "warfan" // As of writing, adding support for all Live TF2 weapons in hud_textures is saving an immense amount of time already! "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_shogun_warfan/c_shogun_warfan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shogun_warfan.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shogun_warfan_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" // Since you can mark as many as you want in TF2C, made it less crazy than the original version. } "mark for death" // The sounds for this are actually all set up thanks to the circa. v2.2.5 Marksman's Marker existing. Still, this uses them too! { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.25" } "deploy time increased" // Minor nerf so Scout can't instantly 2-tap stuff. Still can, just takes a second { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.6" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" // I think it's wood? I'm not really sure what material it actually is honestly "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--BLACK BOX - 3460 --- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3460" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BLACKBOX" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Black Box" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" " 'I love the smell of a kicked-ass in the morning...'" "item_logname" "blackbox" "item_iconname" "blackbox" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_blackbox/c_blackbox" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_blackbox.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_blackbox_soldier.mdl" // Not a slight, but like everyone seems to forget that the Black Box uses modified RL anims. They load closer inward. Just a friendly reminder. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" // There's not much TO even adjust here, but wanted to make Soldier consider just a tiny bit if they want the lifesteal or not { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "15" // 20 is the number in Live, but it also takes into account how much damage you actually did. Since here it gives the full number even for minor splash, lowered it! } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.75" } "max health additive penalty" // Not much reduction for sure, but Soldier might feel it when blast jumping or in combat..? 180 is close to Demoman's 175 health, and there's an appreciable diff between Soldier + Demo bulkiness { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-20" } "custom projectile model" // Black Box rocket! { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_blackbox.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RPG.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--PYRO FLAMETHROWER TEST 3 - 3461-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3461" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEGREASER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Degreaser" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Flamethrower" "item_description" "This weapon holsters 30% faster Gas-pumps, gear, and grease fires, everything you'd need from a gas station!" "item_logname" "degreaser" "item_iconname" "degreaser" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_degreaser/c_degreaser" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_degreaser.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_degreaser_pyro.mdl" // SLOWED down the viewmodel draw speed so it equalizes in-game to pretty-fast-but-not-too-fast "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "single wep deploy time decreased" // I've always been a little fidgety about adding this weapon, because well, the Axtinguisher exists. But... I think the switch speed debuff on axt works, so I'm okay with bringing this in... maybe { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.35" } "switch from wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.7" // This seems fidgety, it tends to take effect on the next-next weapon you select. } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.34" } "airblast cost increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_airblast_cost" "value" "1.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Degreaser.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Degreaser.FireLoop" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Degreaser.FireEnd" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Degreaser.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--S. V. Fragment-------- 3462---- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3462" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LAVA_AXE" // This weapon is from / partially inspired by user Yakibomb's take on it, as seen in Renaissance Revival! "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" // (also, if you're the one reading this; hi yaki!!!!) "show_in_armory" "1" // "propername" "1" // It's not a stock, but the name is SO long it gets truncated if I leave it as is! "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Sharpened Volcano Fragment" "item_type_name" "Lava Axe" "item_description" " Packs enough heat to vaporize and light ablaze anything on contact!" "item_logname" "lava_axe" "item_iconname" "lava_axe" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rift_fire_axe/c_rift_fire_axe" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lavaaxe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lavaaxe_pyro.mdl" // This is the BEST PART about Yaki's version - it's TEAMCOLORED!! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "flaregun_destroyed" } "attributes" // To-Do: maybe add a cool particle effect on hit, a fiery one { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "weapon burn time increased" // Hopefully fills more of a niche of "annoying long-lasting afterburn" a-la Spray n' Pray and Gas Passer { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "1.5" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BrandingIron.HitFlesh" // PF2's Branding Iron sizzle noises when you hit someone! } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" // This sound is the closest to what would be a hard, brittle stone weapon "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--DEMO MELEE II - 3463-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3463" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BATTLEAXE" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Scotsman's Skullcutter" "item_type_name" "Battleaxe" "item_description" " Me great-grandpappy always told me; 'If life comes at ye, laddy, come back at it, screamin' with the ol' battleaxe!'" "item_logname" "battleaxe" "item_iconname" "battleaxe" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_battleaxe/c_battleaxe" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_battleaxe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_battleaxe_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" // I have absolutely no bloody idea what this attribute does. "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" // I honestly can't think of anything to tweak, it's just the Skullcutter and it does the thing it does { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" // "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" // It's not technically haunted, so no whispers! "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--MINIGUN LIVE PORT TEST 1 - 3464-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3464" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GATLING" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brass Beast" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Minigun" "item_description" " Go ahead, coward. Hide! Heavy will wait. Patiently." "item_logname" "brass_beast" "item_iconname" "brass_beast" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_gatling_gun/c_gatling_gun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gatling_gun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gatling_gun_heavy.mdl" // Matching the barrel up in the viewmodel is still misery, have I mentioned that? "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.20" } "minigun spinup time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.5" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Gatling.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Gatling.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Gatling.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Gatling.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Gatling.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Gatling.Spin" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--MINIGUN LIVE PORT TEST 2 - 3465-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3465" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TOMISLAV" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Tomislav" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Minigun" "item_description" " 'Shh! Sasha is asleep.'" "item_logname" "tomislav" "item_iconname" "tomislav" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_tomislav/c_tomislav" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tomislav.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tomislav_heavy.mdl" // No barrel to sync, thank god. Still shortened tho so it matches other Minigun proportions "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" // To be blunt I'm just too afraid to even touch this, Tomi is one of THOSE weapons that are defined by its very specific stats and not a niche... { "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.8" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.8" } "minigun no spin sounds" { "attribute_class" "minigun_no_spin_sounds" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Tomislav.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Tomislav.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Tomislav.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Tomislav.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Tomislav.WindDown" // "sound_special3" "Weapon_Tomislav.Spin" // Note: the attrib above actually works..... for some reason. I mean, you could literally just make the spin sound silence... but I guess they didn't want people to mod it back in, maybe? } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--EVICTION NOTICE- 3466----- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3466" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRASS_KNUCKLES" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Eviction Notice" "item_type_name" "Brass Knuckles" "item_description" " You have 5 seconds to run from tiny base, or else Heavy will make you regret choice..." "item_logname" "eviction_notice" "item_iconname" "eviction_notice" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_eviction_notice/c_eviction_notice" // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_eviction_notice.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_eviction_notice_heavy.mdl" // Never noticed until recently, doesn't it hurt to just slap your fist into the palm of your hand if you're wearing BRASS KNUCKLES??? but Heavy's a big boy he can tank the pain "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_eviction_notice_alt.mdl" // I tried this out, but it doesn't really work as well as I intended... "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.55" } "move speed bonus" // Honestly I don't know why they even added this stat in Live, but it adds minor depth to the weapon so let's roll with it { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" // In the latest Live version, it changed to "speed boost on hit", and I think that would work really well on both this AND the BFB "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-5" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "EvictionNotice.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "EvictionNotice.Impact" "sound_melee_hit_world" "EvictionNotice.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" // Eviction Notice is one of those weird weps where the crits are tied to the actual impact sound. But since it already shares sounds with the gloves... might as well use those! } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--FRONTIER JUSTICE TEST - 3467-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "3467" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRONTIERJUSTICE" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Frontier Justice" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon cannot gain Revenge Crits 'Why don't y'all get along, before one of you gets hurt.'" "item_logname" "frontier_justice" "item_iconname" "frontier_kill" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_frontierjustice/c_frontierjustice" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frontierjustice.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frontierjustice_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "critboost on kill" // A little boring for now, but ehh. It's actually less OP than you'd think, the low clipsize means you only get 0-2 shots off before reloading. Lotta downtime { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "3" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FrontierJustice.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FrontierJustice.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--AMPUTATOR UBER TEST - 3468-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3468" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AMPUTATOR" // The only slightly spicy Live port of the bunch, I had more of a vision of what I wanted this to do and I have plans for the future! "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "item_class" "tf_weapon_umbrella" // Sadly, no buff aura attrib, but civ umbrella is still useful for us to use! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Amputator" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "item_description" "Alt-Fire: Grant an Ally a Def. Buff! (20s cd) I was told to 'Grow some thicker skin!' Hohoho, what a stroke of medical genius!" "item_logname" "amputator" "item_iconname" "amputator" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_amputator/c_amputator" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_amputator.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_amputator_medic.mdl" // Technically doesn't need an animation for the buff, but figured it would be cute to have it be a quick inspect anim "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_doctor.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" // Since this is an Umbrella, turn it back into a Bonesaw { "fire rate penalty hidden" "1.6" "damage bonus hidden" "1.39" "civ boost cond override" "111 1.5" // The defensive buff lasts for about 15s - a pretty good deal! } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.80" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.65" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "2" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolin" // Interesting observation: the Taunt Sound seems tied to the ANIMATION, not the weapon. This is an umbrella, yet if I add this here, Medic plays the violin sound! "animation_replacement" // Gets this too since the weapon can boost { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SNIPER MELEE 2- 3469-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3469" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRIBALMANS" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Tribalman's Shiv" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Club" "item_description" " 'Let's see how much blood's in ya.'" "item_logname" "tribalkukri" "item_iconname" "tribalkukri" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_wood_machete/c_wood_machete" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_wood_machete.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_wood_machete_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "6" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } } "visuals" { // "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitFlesh" // Commented out since the Tribalman's is sharp, unlike the Fishwhacker. It's made of wood though so it still gets the blunt worldhit sounds "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--BASEBALLGUN- 3470-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "3470" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BASEBALLGUN" // This was a doozy, the idea came to me last-minute while talking to some folks in the Discord. A unique Scout primary! "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" // Fixes some issues with the grenades not being affected by speed and doing no damage sometimes "anim_slot" "primary" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The B.R. Base-Hitter" // The Bambino himself "item_type_name" "Baseball Gun" "item_description" "Rapidly fire high-speed baseballs! 'Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hitcha' No wait, yeah I did.'" "item_logname" "baseball_gun" "item_iconname" "baseball_gun_alt" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_baseballgun_alt" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_baseballgun_alt.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_baseballgun_alt_scout.mdl" // Don't think too hard about how he reloads it, at least he does SOMETHING unlike the Sniper Crossbow... "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.45" "reload time increased hidden" "0.8" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "2" } "attributes" { "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2.2" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "0.67" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.55" } // Backend stuff "hand scale" // Mostly removes the blast radius - you have to score a direct hit for this to do anything. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.15" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" // Unlike my other weapons based on explosives, you CANNOT jump with this weapon by design. It explodes harmlessly (to you) under your feet. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_baseball.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BaseballGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BaseballGun.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" // Better than nothing, I guess! "sound_reload" "Weapon_Scatter_Gun.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.3.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--DEMO SOUL GAUNTLET- 3471--- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3471" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GAUNTLET_DEMO" // I've been wanting to do something like this for a while - but just couldn't figure out a good way to! Until now... "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "anim_slot" "item2" // The MIRV's claw-grip is a bit more fitting to the pose I imagine Demoman would take "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Soul-Snatcher" "item_type_name" "Cursed Gauntlet" "item_description" "On hit: Gain a Mini-Crit boost! (1s) The spirits of battle hunger for fresh souls... Use their ancient powers to claim some! ...Or else." "item_logname" "soul_snatcher" "item_iconname" "soul_snatcher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_gauntlet_demo" // Viewmodel bp icons are still pain // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gauntlet_demo.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gauntlet_demo.mdl" // Gunslinger anims! Also, this weapon is SLIGHTLY more haunted than the Eyelander - I hope that comes across while using it "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gauntlet_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "decapitate type" "1" // This doesn't work right now, but hopefully it will eventually. I want this weapon to be VISCERAL } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "30" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-30" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-3" } "add condition on hit" // If we had the ability to add more than one addcond on hit, would like to also make him MFD'd for a moment as well... { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitWorld" "animation_replacement" // Melee swing anims are less janky! { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_ITEM2" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_helmet_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--DECOY GUN - 3472-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3472" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DECOYGUN" // This one is REALLY weird, I honestly can't guarantee it'll stay around but here goes; "prefab" "weapon_tranq" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Falz Frequency" "item_type_name" "Radio Gun" "item_description" "Fire a device that plays a wide selection of important noises where it lands Once they turn their heads away, they won't know what hit them." // Selection of sounds is in game_sounds_custom_nowp, but honestly it's far too many to memorize. In any case, it serves to disorient people! "item_logname" "radiogun" "item_iconname" "radiogun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_radiogun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_radiogun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_radiogun_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "keep disguise" "1" // To fill a similar niche to the Covert as a Sneaky Gun "reload time increased" "1.45" // Reduce spammability for both dmg and sounds, it still does do dmg btw but it only does like 20 "maxammo secondary reduced" "0.35" } "attributes" { "rocket limited lifetime" // Copied from Flechette, but honestly 2s feels like a decent interval here too. { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dart_wood.mdl" } "hand scale" // Disables blast radius for everyone but you { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RadioGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RadioGun.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RadioGun.DecoyNoise" // As said before, this is the main meat of the gun. Also, fun fact; this entry doesn't work if you try to make a Team-specific Visuals section like with visuals_red or something. It just refuses to. } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--THIRD DEGREE -------- 3473-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3473" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_THIRDDEGREE" // Don't worry, it's not a straight upgrade this time. "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Third Degree" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FireAxe" // I went back and forth with my friends on what this was classified as, before setting sure, it's still a Fire Axe "item_description" "100% critical hit vs healing players Applies to Medigun and Dispenser beams Cut them down to size." "item_logname" "thirddegree" "item_iconname" "thirddegree" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_drg_thirddegree/c_drg_thirddegree" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_thirddegree.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_thirddegree_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "drg_manmelter_impact" } "attributes" { "damage all connected" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" // This crits vs. people with the healing cond, which is... any form of Medigun and Dispenser + PL Cart. It does NOT crit against the healing Medics themselves! { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "131072" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6955" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.4" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.35" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_3rd_Degree.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_3rd_Degree.HitWorld" "sound_taunt" "pyro.guitar_shred_01" // Pretty sure this doesn't work, but oh well! } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--CIVILIAN TOOL 1 - 3474-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3474" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPANNER_CIV" // A new Civilian tool after 5 decades! This one helps Engineers "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" // Loosely based on a weapon from Shualdock's Civilized weapons pack, but only just "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Industry Startup" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" "This weapon cannot provide Mini-Crit Boosts Rapidly hit buildings to speed up their construction and repair damage! You are unable to upgrade buildings" // I was gonna make it unable to upgrade anyway, but it already seems to be a part of Engineer specifically, so that works out! "item_logname" "spanner_civ" "item_iconname" "spanner_civ" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spanner_civ" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_spanner.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_spanner_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.76" // 0.65s "damage bonus hidden" "0.69" // 45 dmg } "attributes" { "Repair rate increased" // Display only! { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "2.0" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "hand_scale" "value" "1.3" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" "value" "1.25" } "maxammo metal reduced" // By default, non-Engineer classes have 100 metal reserve { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.5" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--GUITAR / BONKULELE - 3475 ~ 3484 -- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "3477" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_UKULELE" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Bonkulele" "item_type_name" "Ukulele" "item_description" "" "item_logname" "ukulele" "item_iconname" "ukulele" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_ukulele" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ukulele_pyro.mdl" // It's backwards in world-view, but only so it works with his taunt. Minor, but eh! "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ukulele_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "4" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5454" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.25" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "-750" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Guitar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Guitar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_taunt" "Weapon_Guitar.DrawStrum" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } "3480" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_UKULELE" // The Bonkulele! It's a funny weapon loosely inspired by Yakibomb's take on a smashy guitar weapon "prefab" "weapon_wrench" // Again, though, it's only loosely inspired - I wanted to really go off and do something weird with it myself "show_in_armory" "1" // The weapon concept itself is funny! "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Bonkulele" "item_type_name" "Ukulele" "item_description" " Hours of blueprinting and planning will turn into moments with this little ol' number here." "item_logname" "ukulele" "item_iconname" "ukulele" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_ukulele" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ukulele_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ukulele_pyro.mdl" // Everyone uses Pyro's v_model out of laziness, but also since it seems the most sensible way to hold a ukulele as a bludgeon "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "4" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5454" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.25" } "strange restriction type 1" // hehe { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "-750" } // Backend stuff "upgrade rate decrease" // Just like the Knux, this is a bit worse at everything an Engineer does. But it's still possible... { "attribute_class" "hand_scale" "value" "0.55" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.445" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.625" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Guitar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Guitar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Guitar.HitFlesh" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } "3481" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_UKULELE" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Bonkulele" "item_type_name" "Ukulele" "item_description" " Oh, don't give me that look! Even I know the importance of keeping patient morale." "item_logname" "ukulele" "item_iconname" "ukulele" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_ukulele" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ukulele_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ukulele_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" "particle on melee hit" "impact_wood" "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "4" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5454" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.25" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "-750" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Guitar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Guitar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_taunt" "Weapon_Guitar.DrawStrum" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--LIBERTY LAUNCHER - 3485 --- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3485" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LIBERTYLAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Liberty Launcher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" " 'You cannot run from me, my gun is faster!'" "item_logname" "liberty_launcher" "item_iconname" "liberty_launcher" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_liberty_launcher/c_liberty_launcher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_libertylauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_libertylauncher_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" // Pretty much exactly as they are from Live, not much to say { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.25" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.4" } "rocket jump damage reduction" { "attribute_class" "rocket_jump_dmg_reduction" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "custom projectile model" // Liberty Launcher rocket! { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_libertylauncher.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Liberty_Launcher.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Liberty_Launcher.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RPG.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" // Doesn't come with its own explosion noises for some reason, so we settle for this? } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--BEGGARS - 3486 --- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3486" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DUMPSTERDEVICE" // Thanks to some weird developments with Splicing 2.0 (thanks Azzy / Goatball!), was able to bodge this together... "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Beggar's Bazooka" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" " They said it was illegal! And they were right, It's illegal how good at mass murder this is." "item_logname" "dumpster_device" "item_iconname" "dumpster_device" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_dumpster_device/c_dumpster_device" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dumpsterdevice.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dumpsterdevice_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.3" } "clip size penalty" // These two are hidden on the Live variant for some reason, guess they thought it'd be too much info? { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.75" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.3" // 1.3 } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.8" } "strange restriction type 1" // Splicing 2.0! Also I'm not really sure if this is actually 3deg, but it feels right. { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.0875" // Made a little more extreme than what I think it "should" be (0.075) to offset the completely insane burst } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "projectile_spread_angle" "value" "3" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_beggarsbazooka.mdl" // That's the last of 'em! Beside the Air Strike, this is the last unique rocket model to deal with! } // Backend stuff "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.85" // 17 reserve so it's as if you had to load a few in first } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Does_Dumpster.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Does_Dumpster.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DumpsterRocket.Reload_RandomPitch" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--HEAVY SHOTGUN 3 - 3487-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3487" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_BOMBSHOT" // I was thinking of reworking the Sov. Silencer to this, but then figured to turn it into its own new weapon! "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Tsar Bomba" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Kaboom, kaboom!" "item_logname" "bombshot" "item_iconname" "bombshot" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bombshot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bombshot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bombshot_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "damage bonus hidden" "10" // Abouuuut 90? } "attributes" // A lot copied from the Brimstone GL here... { "explosive bullets" // Wow! Display only! { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "weapon spread bonus" // Apparently spread DOES work for rockets by default if it comes from a weapon that already has it (ie shotgun here) { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.6" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "blast radius decreased" // Effectively almost no splash so you have to actually aim for them to hit { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.4" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun_shell_new.mdl" // Reusing this since it's a fitting model } // Backend stuff "rocket limited lifetime" // So the rockets don't just fly to kingdom come after firing them from across the map { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.65" } "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" // Like 1/4th of your health { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "15" } "damage force increase hidden" // Enough height to get to a ledge, but not as powerful as the AA Gun's height { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BombShot.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BombShot.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--BATTLE RIFLE- 3488------ //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3488" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BATTLERIFLE_FL" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Second Amendment" "item_type_name" "Battle Rifle" // The gameplay came first, the rifle came after, please stop hassling me about it being a fucking musket GOD "item_description" "On hit: Send airborne enemies cratering to the ground! This is restricted airspace! You have 3 seconds to land, before I force your sorry ass to the ground!" "item_logname" "battlerifle_fl" "item_iconname" "battlerifle_fl" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_battlerifle_fl" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_battlerifle_fl.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_battlerifle_fl_soldier.mdl" // It's a little baffling this many years in, nobody has made a halfway decent -public- battle rifle anim set for TF2 "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" } "attributes" // A buuuunch of stuff commented out here, this went through a few revisions before I settled simpler is probably better! { // "explosive bullets" // { // "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" // "value" "1" // } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" // This is merging the hide-weapon trick with a display-only attribute! { "attribute_class" "mod max primary clip override" "value" "-1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.7" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "maxammo secondary reduced" // I go back and forth between 12 and 16 reserve a lot { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "strange restriction type 1" // Sends people downward when shot. No effect on already grounded folks, but it'll quickly ground airborne enemies { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "-225" } // Backend stuff // "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" // "value" "0.25" // } // "reflected_flame_dmg_reduction" // { // "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" // "value" "0.85" // } // "hand scale" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" // "value" "1.75" // } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BattleRifleFL.Single" // These sounds are from DoD:S! This goes for the "chambering" sound too when firing (again, I'm not gun person, STOP hassling me about it for christ's sake) "sound_burst" "Weapon_BattleRifleFL.SingleCrit" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" // BEEFY fire animations! "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--PYRO PROJECTILE LAUNCHER 2 - 3489-- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "3489" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MOLOTOV_LAUNCHER" // I settled if I wanted to make a new Pyro primary, I wanted a new projectile launcher... so here it is. "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" // Based on a GL, this time! "anim_slot" "primary" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Molotov Launcher" "item_type_name" "Molotov Launcher" "item_description" "This weapon cannot Airblast Launches Molotov Cocktails that explode into flames after a short delay" "item_logname" "molotovlauncher" "item_iconname" "molotovlauncher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_molotovlauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_molotovlauncher.mdl" // Modified minigun my BELOATHED "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_molotovlauncher_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "reload time increased hidden" "2.75" // Takes a moment to "reload" before firing another salvo - this doesn't animate and I think it's better if it doesn't! "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "2.25" // About 40 ammo total, exactly the same as the DF "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.7" // Boosts the fire rate to be pretty fast, comparable to the Baseball Gun "damage bonus hidden" "0.41" // Nerfs the damage to about 40-ish, mild but the firerate is sufficient "crit mod disabled hidden" "0" // This wasn't originally here but I do not like it just nuking people suddenly with no warning } "attributes" { "scattergun no reload single" // "Pauses" to reload its entire clip in one sitting - this doesn't animate though! { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" // You know. This is a Pyro weapon. Of course it lights people on fire! { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "airblast disabled" // Display Only! Since this is a modified Grenade Launcher, it can't, well... airblast. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "Projectile speed decreased" // Organically gimps the usable range without making them do any bullshit like explode after x distance { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.6" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.35" // 5s should be... decent? } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_molotov_projectile.mdl" // I'll be honest I don't really know where this model is from } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.1" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MolotovLauncher.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MolotovLauncher.SingleCrit" // "sound_empty" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuildStop" "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuild" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Molotov.Explode" "animation_replacement" // These would be the Airblast animations, for visual consistency! { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--SCOUT MELEE TEST - 3490----- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3490" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LAVA_MACE" // This weapon is weird. In Live... it doesn't really have a purpose honestly. It's pretty bleedingly obvious it and SVF were made to be played w/ eachother "prefab" "weapon_bat" // which... never happens. I wonder if it's supposed to be a "surprise pick" weapon for a Scout taking advantage of a weird uncommon situation? "show_in_armory" "1" // Hm. Let's try that, yeah? "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Sun-on-a-Stick" "item_type_name" "Lava Mace" "item_description" "100% critical hit vs recently teleported players 'Hey, who's on fire now?'" "item_logname" "lava_bat" "item_iconname" "lava_bat" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rift_fire_mace/c_rift_fire_mace" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lavamace.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lavamace_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "coilgun_destroyed" } "attributes" { "crit vs burning players" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "65665" // This crits vs... Burning (1), Teleported (128), and Stunned (65536) } "crit vs stunned players" // Display only for above! { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } // "crit vs bleeding players" // This is pretty scary with Brick / Cleaver existing so I'll leave it disabled. Too abusable // { // "attribute_class" "crit_vs_bleeding_players" // "value" "1" // } // "dmg taken from fire reduced on active" // I don't think this works, but it's really boring anyway // { // "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_fire_active" // "value" "0.75" // } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BrandingIron.HitFlesh" // PF2's Branding Iron sizzle noises when you hit someone! "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fishwhacker.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" // This sound is the closest to what would be a hard, brittle stone weapon "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--ZATOICHI TEST - 3491 - 3492-- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "3491" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_KATANA" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Half-Zatoichi" "item_type_name" "Katana" "item_description" "100% critical hit vs other Katana wielders You have a score to settle... finish it! 'Time to inform your next of kin!'" "item_logname" "demokatana" "item_iconname" "demokatana" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_shogun_katana/c_shogun_katana" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shogun_katana_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shogun_katana_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.35" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "12 180" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "8192" } "restore health on kill" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "50" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "100" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "3.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Katana.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Katana.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Katana.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Katana.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Samurai.Koto" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Katana.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Katana.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Katana.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Katana.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3492" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_KATANA" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Half-Zatoichi" "item_type_name" "Katana" "item_description" "100% critical hit vs other Katana wielders You have a score to settle... finish it! 'There can be only one!'" "item_logname" "demokatana" "item_iconname" "demokatana" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_shogun_katana/c_shogun_katana" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shogun_katana_demoman.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shogun_katana_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" // I have absolutely no bloody idea what this attribute does. "decapitate type" "1" // Nonfunctional! Why! This is like, the key reason you use a Sword - to lop off unwitting lads' heads!! "melee range multiplier" "1.35" // These two extend your melee range. I think. "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" // They just, work, okay!? } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Why do these keep escaping!?!? { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "12 180" // This adds TF_COND_TMPDAMAGEBONUS to yourself for about 3 real-life minutes after you hit someone or do damage with this weapon active. This cond does nothing by itself, though! } "strange restriction type 1" // ...and this crits vs. enemies with TF_COND_TMPDAMAGEBONUS. AS OF WRITING this is only other people that have been using this weapon, but I'll need to keep an eye on it! { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "8192" } "restore health on kill" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "50" } "strange restriction type 2" // Close enough. Soldier is 100 HP, Demoman rounds up to about 90 HP { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "90" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "3.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Katana.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Katana.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Katana.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Katana.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Samurai.Koto" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Katana.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Katana.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Katana.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Katana.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// This is usually for weapons that came directly from other folks - either assets or inspiration. //-------------------------------------------------------------------// Generally, most weapon ideas / ports I do mostly by myself, though there's some occasions where other folks will have done //COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTED ITEMS (4500 - 4999)--------------------------// a lot of the assembly / weapon-making themselves. In these cases, if I like the weapon enough, it goes here! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// That said, usually I also make tweaks to the weapons for them to better fit into NOWP, so they won't be cut-and-dry copy-pastes! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--CRUSADER'S CROSSBOW - 4500-- (By Yakibomb) //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "4500" // This weapon is by Yakibomb! Revised to fit in with the rest of my pack! { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROSSBOW" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Crusader's Crossbow" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crossbow" "item_description" " Trust me! These gigantic arrows I am shooting into you are for acupuncture!" "item_logname" "crusaders_crossbow" "item_iconname" "crusaders_crossbow" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_crusaders_crossbow/c_crusaders_crossbow" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_crusaders_crossbow/c_crusaders_crossbow.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crusaders_crossbow_medic/v_crusaders_crossbow_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "clip size penalty hidden" "0.015" // 1 in the clip "override projectile type" "30" // Tranq Dart. Since it only shoots ONE projectile at a time, it won't get laggy. Fine for our purposes! "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus hidden" // Bumps up the damage of one syringe to about 65 { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "6.5" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.25" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.5" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.255" // It can be weird with fractions, sometimes?? } "fire rate penalty hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.75" } // Backend stuff "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "heal rate penalty" // DISPLAY ONLY FLAVOR TEXT { "attribute_class" "hand_scale" // To make it display-only "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_arrow.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_CrusadersCrossbow.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_CrusadersCrossbow.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--OF BOUNCER-CYCLOPS - 4501--- (By Private Polygon) //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "4501" // This weapon is by Private Polygon! Also revised to fit the rest of the pack. { "name" "The Cyclops" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Cyclops" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_description" " 'I had me good eye on ye the whole time!'" "item_logname" "cyclops" "item_iconname" "cyclops" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cyclops_bouncer" // This is the Bouncer from Open Fortress, but modified to resemble... something akin to the original Cyclops! "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cyclops_bouncer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_cyclops_bouncer_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.50" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.4" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_cyclops_bouncer.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Cyclops.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Cyclops.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncher.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--THERMAL THRUSTER- 4502------ (By Basil PFP / OCsonic & Azzy) //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "4502" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JETPACK_PYRO" // This weapon was largely inspired by OCSonic & Azzy, creators / co-creators of the TF2 Un-Classic pack - which includes some funky techniques! "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // Un-Classic includes an interesting take on the Thermal Thruster - it inspired me to try to make a similar variant with some recent attribute magic I learned! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Thermal Thruster" "item_type_name" "Jetpack" "item_description" "Jetpack has 2 charges of boost, with a 14 second recharge time each Supercharge your jumps, and blast into the skies!" // MIRV used here as a "Secondary Weapon w/ Recharging Ammo" for these boosts! "item_logname" "rocketpack" "item_iconname" "rocketpack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rocketpack/c_rocketpack" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketpack_pyro.mdl" // Fun Fact: If I had to guess, Live TF2 has a special exception to animate the Rocketpack away, since trying to load the weapon onto the animations leads to the RP covering the screen! "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketpack.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" // This is an AMALGAM of weapons, but mostly it's based on the Brick and Force-A-Nature { "override projectile type" "2" // This fires a rocket! Not much to say. "damage bonus hidden" "0.001" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "fire rate penalty hidden" "3" // This feels... about right? "special taunt" "1" "armor footsteps" "2" // "crit mod disabled hidden" "1" // Unnecessary but eh } "attributes" { "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "1.5" // To-Do: Add knockback vuln to other weps that need it } "single wep deploy time increased" // Even with the already slow switch speed, it takes a bit longer to use this specifically { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "2" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.35" } "centerfire projectile" // Actually rEALLY important - otherwise rockets will send you slightly to the right when exploding { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" // SHOULD be 14s { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "1.4" } // Backend stuff. Yes, basically all of it is backend stuff. "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "2" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" // JUST small enough to avoid hitting enemies unless you're practically touching } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" // Rockets explode INSTANTLY - which is somewhere in front of your torso! } "strange restriction type 2" // This is a messy fix for bugs with the Dragon's Fury, but it's obviously not ideal... { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "50" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" // Obviously necessary } "damage force increase hidden" // Negative propulsive force generally means this sends you in the direction you were looking! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "-0.55" } "strange restriction type 3" // Enough lift-off force on taking damage to get you off the ground, even if you use it from a standstill { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "175" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RocketPack.BoostersQuickFire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RocketPack.BoostersQuickFire" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "player_bodygroups" { "backpack" "1" // I think this is totally useless rn given Pyro doesn't have a BP bodygroup, but hey. } "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_LOSERSTATE" // I just kinda like how the Loser anims look with this weapon "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_END_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_END_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_MELEE" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_LOSERSTATE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// This is a section for weapons that are overall entirely optional to keep around in your NOWP! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// For now, it's just the Jumpers, the promo TTG Sam & Max guns, and the Brick. Other stuff that goes here would probably include; //MISC. / FOR FUN ITEMS (5000 - 5499)--------------------------------// 100% useless Joke Weapons, Gimmick Weapons (more jumpers, infinite ammo variations), //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// Essentially, this section is for weapons to add or remove on a whim that won't really affect your experience with these Custom Weapons! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- //--THE JUMPER SET - 5000 - 5010 --- Extended far past what's needed, just in case I want to add more Jumpers. Currently, that would be about 1 per Class, give or take. //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- "5000" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ROCKET_JUMPER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Rocket Jumper" "item_type_name" "Training Tool" "item_description" " For when I want to take to the skies and don't have enough feet to do it!" "item_logname" "rocketjumper" "item_iconname" "rocketjumper" // You shouldn't physically be able to kill with this. If you do, SOMEHOW, get a funny icon. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rocketjumper/c_rocketjumper" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketjumper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketjumper_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "no self blast dmg" // It works just like in live TF2 - he doesn't even make pain noises when jumping! { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "2" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "3.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" // DO YOU THINK THEY GET IT YET!? "value" "0.004" } "cannot pick up intelligence" // This actually works, surprisingly. { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_rocketjumper.mdl" // And just like before, it has a custom rocket model too. What can I say? I have an eye for detail. } } "visuals" // This and the Sticky Jumper play a little whistling sound that's undocumented here for some reason - it's been restored in v2.0.0! { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Rocket_Jumper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Rocket_Jumper.Single" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RPG.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Rocket_Jumper.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "5001" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_STICKY_JUMPER" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Sticky Jumper" "item_type_name" "Training Tool" "item_description" " For when I don't want tae lose more body parts than I'm already missing!" "item_logname" "stickyjumper" "item_iconname" "stickyjumper" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_sticky_jumper/c_sticky_jumper" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sticky_jumper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sticky_jumper_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "14" // AlliedModders says this is specifically for the Sticky Jumper, but I don't really notice the difference. } "attributes" { "no self blast dmg" { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "1" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "3.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.004" } // "max pipebombs decreased" // { // "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" // "value" "-5" // } "cannot pick up intelligence" { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_stickybomb2.mdl" // Teamcolored, too! } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sticky_Jumper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sticky_Jumper.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sticky_Jumper.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "5002" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GRENADE_JUMPER" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Grenade Jumper" "item_type_name" "Training Tool" "item_description" " Lad, does it look like I want to lay down an entire trap o' bombs just ta bloody jump!?" "item_logname" "grenadejumper" "item_iconname" "grenadejumper" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_grenadejumper" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenadejumper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_grenadejumper_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "no self blast dmg" // As an aside - yes, normal Pill Grenade blasts ARE this strong, you just usually take like 100 DMG from it { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "1" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "3.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.004" } "cannot pick up intelligence" { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_grenadejumper.mdl" // Finally, an explanation to why Demoman has yellow grenades sometimes! } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GrenadeJumper.Single" // The timing beeps are part of the firing sound - it's most easily noticeable if you hit an enemy with the grenades "sound_burst" "Weapon_GrenadeJumper.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_GrenadeJumper.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--TTG GUNS- 5011 - 5013------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "5011" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TTG_SAM_GUN" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Big Kill" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" " The perfect weapon for committing war crimes against crime-doers." // Let's not kid ourselves, Sam is just as complicit with beating people up as Max is! "item_logname" "samrevolver" "item_iconname" "samrevolver" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_ttg_sam_gun/c_ttg_sam_gun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ttg_sam_gun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ttg_sam_gun_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "SET BONUS: mystery solving time decrease" "1.18" // Could these numbers mean something, I wonder..? } "attributes" { "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" // Hehe "value" "2.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TTGSamGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TTGSamGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Revolver.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } "5012" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TTG_MAX_GUN" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Lugermorph" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " Don't you dare ask where I keep dis, pal! I'll knock ya teeth out if ya do again." "item_logname" "maxgun" "item_iconname" "maxgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_ttg_max_gun/c_ttg_max_gun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ttg_max_gun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ttg_max_gun_scout.mdl" // Used some reanimations that makes the slide move back like an actual Ruger "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "SET BONUS: mystery solving time decrease" "1.09" } "attributes" { "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TTGMaxGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TTGMaxGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } "5013" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TTG_MAX_GUN" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Lugermorph" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " 'Ain't that a cute little gun?'" "item_logname" "maxgun" "item_iconname" "maxgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_ttg_max_gun/c_ttg_max_gun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ttg_max_gun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ttg_max_gun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "SET BONUS: mystery solving time decrease" "1.21" } "attributes" { "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TTGMaxGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TTGMaxGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--TF_WEAPON_BRICK - 5015 - 5024-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "5015" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" // TF_Weapon_Brick my beloved "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning 'Hit the bricks pal, ya done!'" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" // Pipe Bomb or Rocket, just like Jarate. "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" // Does about 50 dmg? "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Same deal as the gas can. // Stuff moved up here to save on space, since this is gonna be duplicated a LOT "bleeding duration" "2" // Originally was "view punch on hit", but then I figured this would get too annoying to play with for something that gets spammed... "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" // v2.3.5 - Damage bonus vs. buildings! It makes sense plus it's funny. "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. Also yes, none of the below is actually what the attribute name suggests. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" // Mostly removes the blast radius - you usually have to score a direct hit for this to do anything. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5016" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning Anything can be a weapon if you throw hard enough and scream loud enough!" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5017" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5018" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning Ach, ol' Bessie... split wide open many a skull a' those daft enough to be in me way!" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_demo.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "special taunt" "1" "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5019" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning 'More rubble, less trouble!'" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM1" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM1" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_ITEM1" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5020" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning 'Y'ain't to fast for me and my machines now, are ya? Heh, are ya?'" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5021" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" // DISABLED - Slot Conflict issues lead to more problems than I know how to fix currently... "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning Blunt trauma should incapacitate them! Let me throw another - just to be safe! (Medigun usable after all bricks are thrown)" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5022" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning Blimey, do you know how embarassing it is to get killed by a load a' rubble? Heh. Well, now ya do." "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5023" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" // DISABLED - Slot Conflict issues lead to more problems than I know how to fix currently... "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "building" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! (6s) That's gotta hurt in the morning 'Did I throw a wrench into your plans?' (Sapper only usable via. Console Command)" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "keep disguise" "1" // Since this STILL breaks the Sapper slot, have this active as a small bonus I guess... "bleeding duration" "2" // ADD A UNIQUE CASE TO NOT LET SPY SPEAK WHEN THROWING WHILE DISGUISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.6" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5024" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning What a fine old concrete-laden chap! I shall name him... 'Burt'." "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick_brickkill" // Civ gets BRICK KILL! text for funnies "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "class select override vcd" "taunt06" "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "dmg bonus vs buildings" "2.2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.5" // "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0" // 0.6 } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------- //--ALLCLASS FISTICUFFS -------- 5025 - 5034--- //--------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------- "5025" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" // Allclass Melee / Berserk Fists! Not quite a reskin, more like a new stock melee that everyone gets. "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" // Not exactly original I understand, but I wanted to have some fun with it! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'Put 'em up, pal!'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" // For Scout: Might need a new model? I can't find any GOOD ones though. Maybe Parkour Fortress fists? If the files even exist anymore. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" // General note: This is for everyone except Heavy (he already has fists) and Spy (lots of technical issues, + can't modify backstab so he'd be unstoppable) } "static_attrs" // The base form of this is a very fast-swinging, 25 DMG flurry of punches. Slightly modified for a few classes! { "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.7" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" // The usual anim replacement for playermodel crit-swings (tf_weapon_fists plays an animation when you crit - only one that does!) { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5026" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul.'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5027" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" "" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" // Possible alt; the zombie claws (also from OF) "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5028" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'Oh, I'm gonna beat you so hard - you'll have a twitch!'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5029" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'Let us fight, man vs. tiny baby man.'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk_heavy.mdl" // Gave him a custom viewmodel for 2.3.5 to differentiate from fists! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" // Originally, I just left this out, but decided it'd be funny to give Heavy this as well for no good reason! } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5030" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" // A wrench! This is so he can still build stuff. Poorly, but still! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" "Construction, upgrading, and repair are all more difficult... but not impossible 'I'm done playin' games with you, boy.'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" // I could use the Gunslinger anims for this, but I just think this is funnier "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" "class select override vcd" "taunt01_vocal04" } "attributes" // All hidden - they're ALL negative so they'd be a lot of visual clutter IMO { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } "upgrade rate decrease" { "attribute_class" "hand_scale" "value" "0.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.29" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.43" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5031" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'All I can tell you about this next procedure, is that it will be excruciating!'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5032" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'You better hold onto your head, mate!'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5034" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" " 'That one's not getting up.'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" // Since the Umbrella is based on the Bat, and we aren't using TF_WEAPON_FISTS here, then we have to change the numbers so it's back to the intended behavior! { "fire rate bonus" "0.8" "damage bonus hidden" "0.72" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" "class select override vcd" "taunt06" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.7" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SKULLBUSTER - 5035-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "5035" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SKULLBUSTER_RIFLE" // This has no reason to be here other than just cuz I like it! I had the assets laying around, anyway... "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Skullbuster" "item_type_name" "Haunted Battle Trophy" "item_description" " I swear, that annoying lil' bugger still calls me a bloody camper 5 feet under..." // Hehe, about that... "item_logname" "skullbuster" "item_iconname" "skullbuster" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_skullbuster" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_skullbuster.mdl" // Both w and v are using some tweaks I made for my Skullbuster Hotfix back in like, 2015? "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_skullbuster_sniper.mdl" // They also draw heavy inspiration from "SkullBuster 2012", by Sparkwire, may that model rest in peace in the depths of the Workshop Graveyard... "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "SPELL: Halloween voice modulation" "1" } "attributes" { } "visuals" { // "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SkullBuster.Single" // "sound_burst" "Weapon_SkullBuster.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SkullBuster.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// This is an unfortunate section, but sadly necessary. This is for weapons that, for some reason or another, I deem unfit to work in any form. //-------------------------------------------------------------------// That is RARE, considering I can generally just rework a weapon entirely if it's not making me happy! //RETIRED / OBSOLETE ITEMS (5500 - 5999)-----------------------------// This would be for stuff that -fundamentally- doesn't or can't be reworked. At all. //-------------------------------------------------------------------// It's also where weapons that are rendered obsolete - by official inclusion into TF2C - go. //-------------------------------------------------------------------// In both cases, I'll strip the weapon of its old stats and give it a new rarity..! Silver lining, y'know? //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //----------------------- //----------------------- // I know I just made this whole song and dance about retired items, but vintage "reskins" also go back here. //--LIVE UBERSAW - 5500-- // For these, if a weapon has its stats removed or otherwise has no reason to exist, it just reverts back to its closest in-game variant! //----------------------- // This is a good demonstration. The two work essentially the same, anyway. //----------------------- "5500" { "name" "The Ubersaw" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "vintage" // Vintage: This item is superceded by an official inclusion, and it's not in the spirit to make it work differently. An older version of sorts! "item_name" "Übersaw" // This is semantics, but I always wondered why it doesn't use the Umlaut "U" when Über is generally referred to with it. Neither Live nor TF2C does it here... "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Uberspritze A nostalgic feeling washes over you Why not take this old keepsake for a spin? 'I'm going to saw through your bones!'" "item_logname" "ubersaw_live" "item_iconname" "ubersaw_live_color" // Taunt-kill Icons seem to be mostly hardcoded to the taunt, shucks. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_ubersaw/c_ubersaw" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ubersaw.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ubersaw_medic.mdl" // I had to go in and manually fix the uber vial not really animating correctly. It was complicated, but not as hard as I thought TBH. First foray into dealing with Pose Parameters! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" // Based on: The Uberspritze (a weapon added in TF2C 2.0.0) { // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "0.25" } "fire rate penalty hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-10" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_UberSaw.HitFlesh" "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolinUber" // This goes unused AGAIN lmao } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- This is just something for testing weapon properties. Includes a few blank sections to test stuff. //--DEBUG TEST - 32105- Here's a fun fact. The max possible Weapon ID is 32767; Half of 65535, minus one! Any higher will corrupt your loadout screen. //--------------------- If every other person in the entire TF Community made their own weapon, we'd be able to see this legit! Or just set the ID to 32768. Y'know. //--------------------- "32105" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEBUGTEST" "prefab" "weapon_bat" // "item_class" "saxxy" "show_in_armory" "0" // "item_slot" "misc" // "anim_slot" "ITEM4" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "selfmade" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Mysterious Weapon" "item_type_name" "Testing Tool" "item_description" "An odd weapon, with peculiar properties. Maybe, you can find out what it does by using it for a while..." "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cigarette_case" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" "soldier" "1" "pyro" "1" "demoman" "1" "heavy" "1" "engineer" "1" "medic" "1" "sniper" "1" "spy" "1" "civilian" "melee" } "static_attrs" { } "attributes" { // Backend stuff (& Splicing Practice!) "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bag_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bag_drop.wav" } } "attributes" { "1" { "name" "damage penalty" "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "description_string" "#Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "negative" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "2" { "name" "damage bonus" "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "description_string" "#Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "3" { "name" "clip size penalty" "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "description_string" "#Attrib_ClipSize_Negative" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "negative" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "4" { "name" "clip size bonus" "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "description_string" "#Attrib_ClipSize_Positive" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "5" { "name" "fire rate penalty" "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "description_string" "#Attrib_FireRate_Negative" "description_format" "value_is_inverted_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "negative" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "6" { "name" "fire rate bonus" "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "description_string" "#Attrib_FireRate_Positive" "description_format" "value_is_inverted_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "7" { "name" "heal rate penalty" "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "description_string" "#Attrib_HealRate_Negative" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "negative" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "8" { "name" "heal rate bonus" "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "description_string" "#Attrib_HealRate_Positive" 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