game_sounds_manifest { "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_tf2c.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_physics_tf2c.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_weapons_tf2c.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_vo_tf2c.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_vo_wav.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_vo_handmade_wav.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_music_tf2c.txt" "preload_file" "scripts/game_sounds_player_tf2c.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_physics.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt" // Mounted Wep. Sounds from Live TF2 - You can go drag-n-drop any newer versions from Live if needed. Made no changes to the file itself! "preload_file" "scripts/game_sounds_player.txt" //----------------------// Starting from here are some includes to make life easier for all of us! These hook custom game_sounds files - for Soundscripts! //----------------------// New as of v2.2.5 are just some extra entries here for your conveniences - if you think it'd help to use them? I dunno!! It's still your choice! //--- User Additions ---// //----------------------// I've moved NOWP to the very bottom, so you guys can replace my soundscripts with your own if you really want. //----------------------// If you think the ordering or naming needs adjusting, let me know! // Catch-all if you just wanna add your own stuff quickly! Above everything else to take priority. Make + use one of these if you want to add your own sound-scripts; all 5 are unused. "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom2.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom3.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom4.txt" "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom5.txt" // Includes for other Weapons Packs / CW Mods! "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_kocw.txt" // Knockout! Custom Weapons "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_tf2uc.txt" // TF2: UnClassic "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_tf2turboc.txt" // TF2Turbo Classic "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_cwc.txt" // Custom Weapons: Classic "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_yaki.txt" // Renaissance Revival "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_fredfights.txt" // Fred's Fight-Starters! "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_paint.txt" // Tangerine Paint's Weapons "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_grunt.txt" // Grunt's Weapons "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_cmz.txt" // CarlmanZ's Weapons "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_betawpns.txt" // Beta Weapons Pack "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_civilized.txt" // "Civilized" Weapons Pack "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_tf2dod.txt" // Fortress of Defeat / No Mann's Land "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_halo.txt" // Halo CE+ Custom Weapons // NOWP "precache_file" "scripts/game_sounds_custom_nowp.txt" // New-Old Weapons Pack's Soundscripts (Weapon + Player sounds) }